Recent changes in Cook County legislation have significantly weakened electronic monitoring programs, raising safety concerns.

As the Cook County sheriff, I’ve got to keep our communities safe. But the recent changes in the law have made it tough to manage the electronic monitoring program. Since January 1, 2023, there have been 226 new crimes linked to people on “free movement,” which is basically two days a week when they can roam around without restrictions.
Last year, we had an average of 115 people charged with murder or attempted murder on electronic monitoring daily. That’s not what this program was meant for. It was supposed to help manage non-violent offenders, but it needs proper oversight. If you’re not keeping track of where these folks are, then why even put them on electronic monitoring in the first place?
It’s a tricky situation, and while Crawford and Mahadev can advocate for their views, it’s crucial to understand that accountability is key. Without it, we’re just letting people run wild.