STEPHEN POLLARD: The only people who back National Service are those who won’t actually have to do it

By Stephen Pollard For The Daily Mail Published: 11:56 EDT, 26 May…

BORIS JOHNSON: The inspirational teacher who transformed the lives of so many deprived children – and whose life’s work shames Starmer and the Left’s vindictive hatred of aspiration

This week I went to a packed church in North London to…

ANDREW NEIL: Starmer’s new Wonder Force to stop the boats sounds like something out of James Bond. But everything he’s promising to do has already been tried and found wanting

So, now we know, at last, how Labour would stop the small…

PETER HITCHENS: Blue Lights was brilliant. So why has the BBC made it one more propaganda vehicle?

Is there a rule which says that any successful BBC drama must…

MATT GOODWIN: In the heart of the EU, a tactic straight out of the Soviet playbook… If anyone needed clarification as to why Britain was right to leave, this should surely be it

At 1.50pm, the police stormed in. Clad in body armour, with stun…

ANDREW NEIL: In a world full of sophistry and double-speak, J.K. Rowling’s plain-speaking makes her… My heroine for our times

Cometh the hour, cometh the hero. And what a hero the country…

ROBERT HARDMAN: Two weeks in and Scotland’s already riven by mutiny and chaos over the most absurd law since Henry II’s beard tax

There was no shortage of people wanting to join this party. In…

LORD SAATCHI: With waffle, cliches and platitudes, the Tories have betrayed Thatcher’s legacy and are treating us like mugs

The time has come. It’s not too late. The Conservative Party must…

MICK HUME: How can this two-tier justice ever be fair? The guidelines over lighter sentences for ‘deprived’ criminals are a disgrace

Equality before the law has been a cornerstone of British democracy since…

RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: When U.S. troops kill aid workers, it’s ‘friendly fire’. When Israel does, it’s a ‘war crime’. The double standards are nauseating

The call came through as I was leaving Twickenham after an England…

RICHARD LITTLEJOHN: J.K. Rowling fiasco proves Britain is now one big April Fool’s joke

Days like this it’s difficult to know where to start. What’s an…

A family text or a dinner table joke are enough to get you jailed in the SNP’s Orwellian new Scotland. I’ll be standing my ground with JK Rowling, writes STEPHEN DAISLEY

People prosecuted for words uttered in the privacy of their own home.…

TOM UTLEY: The response my wife and I have had to our burglary proves most Britons are kind and full of compassion

Day nine since our burglary, which I described here last Friday, and…

I’ll never regret exposing the airport scandal – even though it cost me my job, writes former borders watchdog DAVID NEAL

By David Neal Published: 17:53 EDT, 26 March 2024 | Updated: 17:58…

JAMES CLEVERLY: We must act to protect women now… Sarah Everard was failed in more ways than one by the people who were appointed to protect her

By James Cleverly, Home Secretary Published: 18:12 EST, 29 February 2024 |…

This is a disaster for Britain… it’s what happens when the Tories and Labour fail to stand up for our values, writes ex-Labour MP IAN AUSTIN

The election of George Galloway isn’t just a problem for Rochdale, it…

DOMINIC LAWSON: The former Post Office boss has lost her CBE, but a perjurer, a fraudster and a sex criminal are still Lords. Isn’t it time we stripped them of THEIR titles?

One of the greatest of honours is the CBE: Commander of the…

ALEX CHALK: The cowardly victim blaming of ‘rough sex’ killing is no defence and won’t be tolerated

By Alex Chalk Published: 19:26 EST, 13 February 2024 | Updated: 20:33…

DANIEL HANNAN – Why Russia must be broken up: For more than a thousand years it’s been the tyrannical land of the purge, the gulag and Ivan the Terrible. Conquest is wired into its psyche

Phew! I was starting to feel downright unpatriotic. Russia has sanctioned hundreds…

ROBERT JENRICK: Let’s remind voters we’re on their side by cutting one of the UK’s most counter-productive taxes

By Robert Jenrick Published: 19:20 EST, 10 February 2024 | Updated: 19:20…