Confused on how to vote at the general election? Here is where the main parties stand on key issues – including immigration, trans ideology, the NHS, tax and education

Rishi Sunak has fired the starting gun on a six-week general election…

Labour mayor wins in Rishi Sunak’s backyard as Tories endure torrid local elections that see them lose slew of true-blue councils and hundreds of seats in crucial general election battlegrounds

Rishi Sunak suffered the indignity of seeing of seeing a Labour mayor…

Rishi election nightmare continues: Tories lose control of more true-blue councils

Rishi Sunak’s election nightmare has continued as the Tories lost control of…

Local elections 2024: Tories ‘face worst results in 40 years’ while Starmer gloats of ‘seismic’ Red Wall win in Blackpool South by-election as experts predict bloodbath of 500 councillors with Rishi warned he MUST get better

Rishi Sunak is facing mounting Tory unrest today after a disastrous election…