Why is A Wrinkle in Time Banned And Why is It So Controversial?

Find out “Why is A Wrinkle in Time Banned And Why is It So Controversial?” The classic A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle will soon be adapted for the big screen. It has won multiple awards, including the renowned Newbery Medal and Lewis Carroll Shelf Award, and is still popular with both students and adults because it conveys uplifting ideas about accepting differences and defeating hatred.

It is comparable to several of its contemporaries, such as Where the Wild Things Are, although A Wrinkle in Time has a troubled past among readers.

A Wrinkle in Time Banned
Why is A Wrinkle in Time Banned And Why is It So Controversial?

Since its release 54 years ago, It’s Me, Margaret and the Harry Potter series has been one of the most frequently banned works due to its content.

In the book A Wrinkle in Time, Meg Murry, her younger brother Charles Wallace, and their friend Calvin O’Keefe travel across time and space to save their father.

In spite of the book’s powerful message and sounding like an intensive read, it has spent several decades in the top 100 banned or challenged books.

Why is A Wrinkle in Time So Controversial?

More than eight million copies of “A Wrinkle in Time” have been sold, translated into other languages, and made into an opera, a graphic book, a television play, and two movies. It has repeatedly been outlawed for being either too religious or insufficiently religious.

First, the novel contains many fantastical elements, making it a favorite target of conservative Christians who frequently campaign against material with magical elements taught in schools or libraries.

Madeleine L'Engle's Christianity was vital to A Wrinkle in Time - Vox

These elements include the Happy Medium and their crystal ball and the mysticism of the three Mrs. W. Conservative Christians have also criticized L’Engle’s portrayal of religion, particularly the notion that Jesus was not a supremely divine person.

Uncomfortably, a chapter in the novel’s middle compares Jesus to people like Einstein, Buddha, Gandhi, and Da Vinci. To the chagrin of traditional Christians, the three Mrs. W’s include significant religious and artistic figures with Jesus while explaining to the youngsters that others have faced the approaching darkness before them.

Episcopalian L’Engle dismissed criticisms that her book sought to challenge religious convictions. In 2001, she spoke with the New York Times.

It seems people are willing to damn the book without reading it. Nonsense about witchcraft and fantasy. First I felt horror, then anger, and finally I said, ‘Ah, the hell with it.’ It’s great publicity, really.”

The Guardian said that some who opposed L’Engle’s literature were blunt when discussing the “danger” it posed. The newspaper said that after the author’s passing in 2007, someone had claimed that “Madeline (sic) L’Engle teaches universalism in her books and denigrates organised Christianity and promotes an occultic worldview.”

A Wrinkle in Time continues to be regarded as one of the greatest novels of the latter 20th century. However, critics have taken issue with everything from the book’s references to communism to its (perceived) commentary on religion.

Reasons for the Book’s Ban

  1. Religious Concerns: One of the primary reasons “A Wrinkle in Time” has faced banning is due to religious concerns. Some conservative religious groups argue that the book promotes unorthodox religious beliefs, blurring the lines between Christianity and other spiritual concepts.
  2. Political and Ideological Reasons: The book’s themes of individuality, nonconformity, and questioning authority have been seen as problematic by some individuals and institutions. The story challenges traditional power structures and encourages critical thinking, which has led to objections from those who prefer conformity.
  3. LGBTQ+ Representation: Another source of controversy in “A Wrinkle in Time” is the representation of LGBTQ+ characters. The character of Mrs. Whatsit, one of the celestial beings aiding the main characters, has been interpreted as transgender by some readers. This portrayal has drawn criticism from groups opposed to LGBTQ+ visibility in literature.
  4. Challenging Traditional Narratives: The novel challenges the notion of a linear and predictable narrative. Its complex concepts, such as tesseracts and the fifth dimension, can be challenging for some readers, leading to objections from those who prefer more straightforward storytelling.

Controversial Themes and Concepts

The controversy surrounding “A Wrinkle in Time” can be attributed to several themes and concepts within the book. These include:

  1. Individuality and Nonconformity: The story encourages readers to embrace their individuality and question societal norms, which can be seen as threatening to those who prefer conformity.
  2. The Power of Love and Empathy: “A Wrinkle in Time” emphasizes the power of love and empathy in overcoming darkness and evil. While this is a positive message for many, it has been criticized by some who consider it too idealistic or lacking in realism.
  3. Existential and Philosophical Concepts: The book introduces readers to complex concepts like time travel, multidimensional beings, and the battle between light and darkness. These abstract ideas can be challenging for some readers, leading to controversy.

Importance of Free Expression

The controversy surrounding the banning of “A Wrinkle in Time” highlights the importance of free expression and the freedom to access diverse ideas and perspectives. Literature has the power to challenge established norms, expand horizons, and spark conversations. By limiting access to certain books based on subjective concerns, we risk stifling creativity, intellectual growth, and the development of empathy.

Books like “A Wrinkle in Time” provide an opportunity for young readers to engage with complex themes, expand their worldview, and develop their own critical thinking skills. By exposing them to different perspectives and ideas, even those that may be challenging or controversial, we equip them with the tools to navigate an ever-evolving world.

Criticisms and Counterarguments

While “A Wrinkle in Time” has garnered praise and recognition for its imaginative storytelling, it is not immune to criticism. Some argue that the book’s complex concepts and philosophical undertones may be difficult for younger readers to comprehend fully. However, it is important to remember that children’s literature has the capacity to stretch young minds and introduce them to new ideas.

Furthermore, critics contend that the book’s portrayal of traditional religious beliefs may be blurred, leading to confusion or conflicting interpretations. However, proponents argue that the story’s blending of spiritual concepts encourages readers to explore their own beliefs and engage in open dialogue.


“A Wrinkle in Time” has faced its share of controversy and challenges due to its unique and thought-provoking content. Its ban and the debates surrounding it underscore the power of literature to push boundaries, ignite imagination, and inspire critical thinking. By addressing topics such as religious beliefs, nonconformity, and complex metaphysical concepts, the book invites readers to embark on a journey of self-discovery and exploration.

It is crucial to recognize the value of freedom of expression and the importance of allowing young minds to engage with diverse perspectives. Through books like “A Wrinkle in Time,” we can nurture a generation of curious, empathetic, and open-minded individuals who will shape the future with their ideas and actions.


1. Is “A Wrinkle in Time” appropriate for children? Yes, “A Wrinkle in Time” is generally considered suitable for children. However, parents and guardians may want to review the book’s content and themes to determine if it aligns with their child’s age and maturity level.

2. What are some other banned books? There are numerous books that have faced banning or censorship throughout history, including “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, “The Catcher in the Rye” by J.D. Salinger, and “1984” by George Orwell.

3. How can individuals support freedom of expression?

Individuals can support freedom of expression by advocating for the right to access diverse ideas and perspectives. This can be done through various means:

  • Promoting open dialogue: Encourage discussions and debates about controversial topics, fostering an environment where diverse opinions can be expressed and respected.
  • Defending intellectual freedom: Speak out against book bans and censorship, supporting the availability of literature that challenges established norms and expands minds.
  • Supporting libraries and educational institutions: Recognize the importance of libraries and educational institutions as spaces that promote intellectual freedom and provide access to a wide range of books and resources.
  • Engaging with diverse literature: Read books that offer different perspectives and challenge preconceived notions, broadening your understanding of the world and fostering empathy.
  • Participating in literary communities: Join book clubs, attend author events, and engage in conversations about literature to encourage a vibrant literary culture that celebrates diverse voices.

By actively engaging with and supporting freedom of expression, individuals contribute to a society that values intellectual curiosity, critical thinking, and the power of literature to shape minds and transform lives.

4. Can banning a book prevent its influence?

Banning a book does not necessarily prevent its influence. In fact, book bans often generate more curiosity and interest in the content, leading to increased readership. Attempts to suppress ideas can have the unintended consequence of sparking conversations and debates, ultimately amplifying the book’s impact.

5. Where can I find more information about banned books?

To learn more about banned books and the importance of freedom of expression, you can refer to organizations such as the American Library Association (ALA) and PEN America. These organizations provide resources, information, and advocacy efforts related to intellectual freedom and censorship.

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