Gypsy Rose Blanchard announced she is pregnant today Tuesday, July 9.

Blanchard took to her new YouTube channel to announce the news in a 9-minute video titled “I’m Pregnant, My Journey So Far.”

She wrote in the video’s description, “Well…the rumours are true!”

“Ken and I are so excited to start our family together and I can’t wait to share my journey with you here on YouTube and my other social media platforms.”

“Thank you for all your support so far and I can’t wait to see our family grow.”

Rumours of Blanchard being pregnant had been circulating the web for a couple of weeks prior to her announcement, which she addresses in her announcement video.

“I’m happy to announce that I am 11 weeks pregnant,” she says while smiling.

She goes on to say the due date for her first child is January 2025.

Blanchard’s unborn child’s father is her new partner, Ken.

Although she was married to a Mr Ryan Anderson when released from prison earlier this year, who she married while behind bars in 2022, they have since divorced.

“It’s heartbreaking because no one gets married to get a divorce. Processing those emotions has been hard,” Blanchard told People in May.

Blanchard was arrested in 2015 along with her then-boyfriend, Nicholas Godejohn, in connection to the murder of her mother, Dee Dee Blanchard.

Dee Dee was found in her Springfield, Missouri home – stabbed to death.

This came as a result of Gypsy undergoing years of unnecessary treatments, surgeries, and lies as well as having her head shaved to make it look like she was undergoing chemotherapy.

Gypsy’s mother, Dee Dee, is believed to have had Munchhausen syndrome by proxy – a psychological disorder in which a caretaker makes or creates the illusion that somebody is ill for attention.

Gypsy orchestrated the murder of her mother with the help of her then-boyfriend, Godejohn.

Gypsy goes on in her pregnancy announcement to explain that it “was not planned at all” and that it was “completely unexpected.”

She goes on to explain that she has begun experiencing symptoms, before going into an in-depth explanation of her journey being pregnant.

Later in the video, Gypsy breaks down in tears while comparing how she plans on raising her child versus how she was treated growing up.

She explains her full understanding that she is “now in charge of protecting” another human being, one she intends on providing “all of the things” she wishes she “could have had” when she was a child.

“All the things I wanted in a mother,” she added.

“I just want to be a good mother for my child,” she says in the video.

“I want to be everything my mother wasn’t,” she added.

Although the announcement was mostly positive from Gypsy, the instant public reaction to her pregnancy was fairly divisive.

One noted that Gypsy was advised not to bring a child into this world, at least not while she is a the height of celebrity status post-release from prison.

“good to know you didn’t take mia’s advice in the lifetime episode. about not having a child right now and all,” the commenter wrote.

Another added: “Girl, a baby does not make a man stay. Don’t be foolish.”

“You said on your show last night you can’t put a kid before you right now,” another noted.

“I can’t be the only one who doesn’t believe her when she cries,” someone wrote.

One suggested that she wants to “trap” her partner Ken, as he has left her in the past.

“If Ken left before. He will leave again. A baby has never made a man stay,” they wrote.

However, some responses were more positive, with some congratulating her.

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