12 Most Dangerous Islands You NEVER Want To Visit

Find out “12 Most Dangerous Islands You NEVER Want To Visit” Islands are paradise…or so we’re led to believe. But in reality, there are some islands out there that are just downright dangerous. From active volcanoes to shark-infested waters, these twelve islands are places you’ll want to avoid at all costs. So pack your bags and get ready for a vacation you’ll never forget…but probably not in the way you were hoping for!

12 Most Dangerous Islands You NEVER Want To Visit

The 12 most dangerous islands in the world

There are a number of dangerous islands around the world that are best avoided. Here are twelve of the most dangerous:

1. Isla de las Muñecas, Mexico – This island is home to hundreds of dolls, many of which are believed to be possessed by the spirits of dead girls. It’s said that a girl drowned in the canal surrounding the island and her spirit now inhabits the dolls.

2. North Sentinel Island, India – This island is home to the Sentinelese people, one of the most isolated tribes in the world. They have no contact with the outside world and they fiercely defend their territory. In 2006, they killed two fishermen who ventured too close to the island.

3. Hashima Island, Japan – This abandoned island was once home to a thriving coal mining community but it was abandoned in 1974 when the mines were closed down. The island is now covered in abandoned buildings and has been nicknamed ‘Ghost Island’. It’s also said to be haunted by the ghosts of those who died working in the mines.

4. Poveglia Island, Italy – This small island off Venice is said to be one of the most haunted places in Italy. It was used as a quarantine station for those suffering from bubonic plague and it’s thought that over 160,000 people died here. It’s also been used as an asylum and it’s said that patients were subjected to horrific experiments.

5. Isla de los Monos, Argentina – This island is home to a colony of monkeys that were brought here from Africa in the 1960s. The monkeys have since taken over the island and they’re said to be aggressive towards humans. In 2012, a woman was bitten by one of the monkeys and she later died from her injuries.

6. Snake Island, Brazil – This small island off the coast of Brazil is home to around 4,000 snakes, including some of the most venomous snakes in the world. The snakes are so dense that it’s estimated that there’s one snake for every square meter of land. It’s estimated that around 100 people die each year from snake bites on the island.

7. Diavik Diamond Mine, Canada – This diamond mine is located in a remote area of Canada’s Northwest Territories and it’s only accessible by plane or helicopter. The mine is located on an island in a lake and it’s surrounded by icebergs and polar bears. In 2004, a worker was killed by a polar bear while working at the mine.

8. Izu Islands, Japan – These volcanic islands off the coast of Japan are home to around 10,000 people but they’re also home to active volcanoes. In 2013, a volcano on one of the islands erupted and spewed ash and rocks onto the nearby town.

9. Easter Island, Chile – This remote island is home to around 5,000 people and it’s famous for its statues. The island is also home to an active volcano and it’s been hit by a number of devastating tsunamis over the years. In 1960, a tsunami caused by an earthquake killed around 60 people on the island.

10. Isla de los Lobos, Spain – This small island off the coast of Spain is home to a colony of around 200 wolves. The wolves are said to be aggressive and they’ve been known to attack humans. In 2006, a woman was killed by a wolf while she was hiking on the island.

11. Isle of Skye, Scotland – This Scottish island is home to some stunning scenery but it’s also home to dangerous cliffs and rough seas. In 2011, a tourist was killed after being blown off a cliff by strong winds.

12. Barrow Island, Australia – This small island off the coast of Western Australia is home to a number of dangerous animals, including crocodiles, sharks, and poisonous snakes. In 2009, a worker at an oil refinery on the island was killed by a saltwater crocodile.

What makes these islands so dangerous?

There are a few things that make these islands so dangerous. First, they are all located in very remote areas. This means that if something does go wrong, it will be very difficult to get help. Second, these islands are all home to some very dangerous animals. Some of the animals on these islands can kill you with one bite or sting. Finally, the weather on these islands can be very extreme. This can make it difficult to find shelter or clean water, and it can also make it easy to get lost.

What to do if you find yourself on one of these islands

If you find yourself on one of these dangerous islands, the best thing to do is to stay calm and try to assess the situation. If there are no immediate dangers, such as predators or poisonous plants, try to find a way to signal for help. If you have a phone with you, call 911 or your country’s emergency number. If you don’t have a phone, try to find something that can be used as a distress signal, such as a piece of cloth or paper that can be hung from a tree or raised above your head. Once you’ve done all you can to signal for help, stay put and wait for rescue.


The islands on this list are some of the most dangerous in the world, and you’ll want to avoid them at all costs. From active volcanoes to treacherous waters, these islands are not for the faint of heart. So if you’re looking for a place to get away from it all, make sure you pick somewhere safe — these islands are definitely not it.

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