Wet wipes have made our life so convenient. Easy to carry and use, we did not even realise when they became our best hygiene partner.

But you will be surprised to know that our freshly smelling wet wipes have been labelled as the biggest villain, by a leading British daily.

We carry wet wipes everywhere for emergency clean-ups. Many people even keep flushable wipes in their toilet for better cleaning instead of the ordinary toilet paper.

We even carry anti-bacterial wipes to clean the dirty surface. But why are these innocent wipes entitled as a villain? There is not one but several reasons.

1. These wipes contain nasty toxic chemicals

A report by Reuters claimed that wet wipes can cause rashes in uncomfortable places. Another report gave an example of a man who had a rash around his anus, which was so bad and painful that he couldn’t walk for months. Some of these wipes contain MCI (methylchloroisothiazolinone), which can be harsh on the skin.
You’d be shocked to know that there are certain baby wipes that contain preservatives and fragrances that should not come in contact with human skin, especially that of infants and small children.

When the same wet wipes are used to clean multiple surfaces, they only spread the bacteria instead of eliminating them. A research conducted by the Cardiff University found that wet wipes have great variability when it comes to killing bacteria, making the good old soap and water a much better choice.

3. Flushing wipes has disgusting results

Many people choose to flush down the wipes in the toilet, which can clog the toilet leading to its overflow. The wipes can even clog the sewers.

4. Wet wipes can cause havoc for the environment

Most wet wipes contain plastic fibre, which makes them partially non-biodegradable. When these wipes make their way into the bigger water bodies, aquatic animals consume them and eventually die.

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