• The tumultuous relationship saga of Yul Edochie and his estranged first wife, May, is once again in the spotlight, this time for a fresh twist.
  • Reports indicate that May Edochie had the chance to potentially land Yul behind bars by pursuing a bigamy case against him. However, she allegedly made the surprising decision to abstain from such legal action.
  • This unexpected move from May has sparked widespread curiosity, with Nigerians eagerly speculating on the underlying reasons behind her refusal to go on with the case.

The ongoing saga of Nollywood actor Yul Edochie’s estranged marriage with his first wife, May Edochie, has made headlines once again, this time due to a potential case of bigamy.

Recall that their relationship hit a rough patch when it was revealed that Yul traditionally married his fellow movie industry colleague, Judy Austin, while still legally married to May.

Their once-envied union shattered after Yul announced fathering a child with Judy.

According  to a report from Due Process Advocates (DPA), there were plans to file a bigamy case against Yul Edochie. However, May, his first wife, was not supportive of pursuing legal action.

Information gathered indicates that bigamy being a criminal offense, can be prosecuted in court, potentially resulting in imprisonment for the offender. The Due Process Advocates (DPA) highlighted that May Edochie expressed concerns about the possibility of Yul Edochie being incarcerated and refused to pursue the matter further, as she did not want the father of her children to be arrested.

DPA’s post reads in part:

“When the case of Yul Edochie came to DPA, we considered filing a complaint with the police and getting the allegation investigated. But when May realised that such a move might result in Yul being arrested and prosecuted and possibly sent to jail, she refused to allow us to proceed. She didn’t want her husband and father of her children arrested. Each time bigamy was mentioned, she would ask: “Will they arrest him?” And we would say: “Most likely yes.” She would refuse to approve it. You can understand that. Despite what Yul did to her, she didn’t want him arrested 

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“The only option left was for May to file for divorce and to sue Judy for damages for adultery. Even at that, she didn’t want to rush it. It took until after the death of her child and Yul’s subsequent behaviours for her to file for divorce.”


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