
Jay Slater’s mother has said she wants to withdraw some of £38,000 raised through GoFundMe since the teenager’s disappearance in Tenerife last week.

Debbie Duncan said the money would be used to support rescuers searching for Jay, cover food and accommodation for relatives on the island and fly out more loved ones to help them.

The fund was launched with a £30,000 target but is now approaching £40,000 with more than 3,000 donations made since it was set up.

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Who are the key players in the search for Jay Slater?

Here’s a recap of the key players involved in the search for the British tourist.

His family including his mother Debbie Duncan and his brother Zak flew out to Tenerife the day after he went missing after learning the news.

Along with his father Warren, they have all remained their since and made emotional pleas to be reunited with the 19-year-old.

The last known person to speak to Jay before he went missing was his friend Lucy Law, 18, who had been holidaying with him in Tenerife, who called he called at 8am up a secluded mountain pass near Masca.

Jay was also reported to have met two mystery men at a nightclub. Lttle is known about them but they were described by Lucy as ‘black and British’ and MailOnline has spoken to the owner of a bar next door to the property who said she heard people in the house at 6am.

Spanish police focus search for Jay Slater on caves close to ravine in remote part of Tenerife

Spanish police have been focussing their search for Jay Slater on caves in a remote in a remote part of Tenerife.

Today officers turned their attention to a new area in the Masca valley. They were concentrating on a ravine further along the national park, with caves near Los Carrizales being searched, the Independent reports.

Police have been using helicopters and drones in the national park, near to a location where Jay’s phone last pinged.

The machete attack carried out by teenager Jay Slater and others in 2021 could have been fatal, but for the heroic intervention of a young girl who threw herself onto the victim’s body to save him.

Her bravery was hailed by the judge at the trial of Jay and seven others, who brutally attacked him with machetes, an axe and a golf club.

Judge Philip Parry commended the 15-year-old girl’s courage, saying: ‘This was an act that undoubtedly prevented him from being more seriously injured or killed.’

MailOnline has revealed new pictures of Jay Slater chatting with friends at a hotel pool party in Tenerife just two days before he vanished from music festival on island

Dressed in camouflage-style swimming trunks, lounging by the pool of a Hard Rock Hotel in Tenerife, these are the latest pictures to emerge of missing British teenager Jay Slater.

They were taken at a pool party on the second day of the NRG festival on June 15 – just two days before he vanished.

Jay’s mother – It’s difficult to wrap our heads around but we’re not losing hope

Here is the statement from Jay’s mother Debbie Duncan who has outlined plans to use some of the money raised through GoFundMe to help the search for her son.

Hi everyone. This is Debbie again.

First, I would like to thank everyone for your support, kind messages, and good wishes. It’s difficult to wrap our heads around what is happening right now, but we are not losing hope that we will find Jay and return home together.

We are currently working with GoFundMe to withdraw part of the funds, which are being safely held. I wanted to share that these funds will be used to support the mountain rescue teams who are tirelessly searching for Jay. Additionally, since our stay in Tenerife needs to be extended, we will also use the funds to cover accommodation and food expenses. I’m surrounded by wonderful people who are by my side, but far from their loved ones, so we’ll also be using part of these funds to fly them to Tenerife so we can support each other during these dark times.

Thank you again for all your donations and support, this means the world to us.

Timeline of Jay Slater’s disappearance

Here’s a timeline of how Jay’s visit to Tenerife and when he was reported missing.

Missing teenager Jay Slater’s mother has revealed she is in talks with GoFundMe to release some of the £36,000 in donations given to an appeal in order to help finance rescue efforts and ‘living costs’ in Tenerife as the family continues to search for him.

Debbie Duncan, 55, said the money would be used for mountain rescue, accommodation and food expenses, as she declared: ‘It’s difficult to wrap our heads around what is happening right now.’

Good afternoon

Hello and welcome to MailOnline’s live coverage of the hunt for missing British teenager Jay Slater.

The teenager has not been seen or heard from since Monday, June 17, after he flew to the island with friends to attend the NRG music festival.

Jay phoned his friend Lucy Law he was walking back to his holiday accommodation after missing a bus – a journey that would take 11 hours on foot – with just 1pc of phone battery and that he needed water.

Follow our coverage as we bring you the latest updates on the search.

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