Reform UK are facing a fresh scandal tonight after undercover footage revealed shocking comments by members of Nigel Farage’s local election campaign.

Filming by an undercover investigator showed Reform figures advocating shooting Channel migrants as ‘target practice’ for Army recruits.

They also said they party would ‘bring back the noose’, branded Rishi Sunak a ‘f****** p***’ and called for Muslims to be ejected from mosques so they can be turned into Wetherspoons pubs.

Another exchange showed one suggesting LGBT people are ‘degenerate’.

The footage, published by Channel 4 News, was taken within the Reform campaign in Clacton, Essex, where Mr Farage is bidding to be elected an MP next week.

The Reform leader said this evening that he was ‘dismayed by the reported comments of a handful of people associated with my local campaign’.

Mr Farage added they would no longer be with his campaign in the seaside constituency.

Reform have already faced a string of controversies over online remarks made by some of their candidates ahead of polling day on 4 July.

The Channel 4 News investigation revealed Andrew Parker, who is said to be a Reform canvasser, advocating for Channel migrants to be shot by Army recruits

The Channel 4 News investigation revealed Andrew Parker, who is said to be a Reform canvasser, advocating for Channel migrants to be shot by Army recruits

In another conversation, Mr Parker was filmed describing PM Rishi Sunak as a 'f****** p***'. 'I've always been a Tory voter,' he said. 'But what annoys me is that f****** p*** we've got in'

In another conversation, Mr Parker was filmed describing PM Rishi Sunak as a ‘f****** p***’. ‘I’ve always been a Tory voter,’ he said. ‘But what annoys me is that f****** p*** we’ve got in’

The footage, published by Channel 4 News, was taken within the Reform campaign in Clacton, Essex, where Mr Farage is bidding to be elected an MP next week

The footage, published by Channel 4 News, was taken within the Reform campaign in Clacton, Essex, where Mr Farage is bidding to be elected an MP next week

The Channel 4 News investigation revealed comments about Muslims by Andrew Parker, who is said to be a Reform canvasser.

He described Muslims as ‘sick m*****f******’, adding: ‘It’s a cult. I tell you what, if you don’t know about Islam, it is the most disgusting cult out.

‘We’re f****** kicking all the Muslims out of the mosques and turning them into Wetherspoons.’ 

In the same conversation, Mr Parker also described Mr Sunak as a ‘f****** p***’.

‘I’ve always been a Tory voter,’ he said. ‘But what annoys me is that f****** p*** we’ve got in. What good is he? You tell me, you know. He’s just wet. F****** useless’.

Filmed speaking to a prospective voter on the doorstep, Mr Parker suggested Army recruits should carry out ‘target practice’ on those crossing the Channel in small boats.

‘Get the young recruits there, yeah, with guns on the f****** beach, target practice,’ he said.

‘F****** just shoot them. That is what the Greeks done… You know about that. The Greeks shot a load… Ringfence Bradfordstan.

‘Round the f****** up. Do that f****** lot as well. And you’ve got these bastards running our country. You must be f****** joking mate.’

The footage also showed a separate exchange between George Jones, said to run events for Mr Farage’s campaign, Rob Bates, a senior party campaigner, and Roger Gravett, Reform’s regional manager for London and candidate for Tottenham.

As a police car passed by displaying a Pride flag, Mr Jones said: ‘You see that f****** degenerate flag on the front bonnet?

‘What are the old bill doing promoting that crap? They should be out catching nonces not promoting the f******.’ 

Mr Gravett is later heard saying: ‘When we form the government in 2029 then surely we can change lots of things’.

In response, Mr Jones is heard saying ‘our police officers will be paramilitaries, they won’t be police’ and that Reform should ‘bring back the noose’. 

In a statement to Channel 4, Mr Farage said: ‘I am dismayed by the reported comments of a handful of people associated with my local campaign, particularly those who are volunteers. They will no longer be with the campaign.

‘The appalling sentiments expressed by some in these exchanges bear no relation to my own views, those of the vast majority of our supporters or Reform UK policy. Some of the language used was reprehensible.

‘Reform UK is a party for everybody who believes in Britain. I am proud that our supporters, candidates and national campaign team come from all backgrounds and identities.

‘I would be interested to know whether Channel 4 is subjecting the grassroots volunteers of all the political parties to similar subterfuges, or whether Reform UK has been singled out for special attention.’

Mr Parker said: ‘I would like to make it clear that neither Nigel Farage personally or the Reform Party are aware of my personal views on immigration.

‘I have never discussed immigration with either Nigel Farage or the Reform Party and that any comments made by me during those recordings are my own personal views on any subject I commented on.

‘At no time before I was sent out to canvass did I discuss my personal views with any representative of the Reform Party or Nigel Farage.

‘I would therefore like to apologise profusely to Nigel Farage and the Reform Party if my personal views have reflected badly on them and brought them into disrepute as this was not my intention.

‘I offered to help the Reform Party on their canvassing as I believe that they are the only party that offer the UK voter a practical solution to the illegal immigration problem that we have in the UK.’

A spokesman for Reform told MailOnline the party would be making no further comment. 

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