MPs say they should get ‘medallion of service’ and six-figure payout when they lose their seats at elections

MPs should get a ‘medallion of service’ and six-figure golden goodbyes when they get kicked out by the electorate, a committee of MPs has said.

The Commons administration committee called for special ceremonies for former MPs and their family and friends, where they are presented with a medal by the Commons Speaker.

The report said rejection by voters ‘can be an emotional and traumatic experience’, and the ‘noble enterprise’ of public office should be ‘defended, encouraged and recognised’.

The cross-party group proposed a series of measures to cushion the blow when parliamentarians, who are paid an annual salary of £84,144, are forced from office.

Sir Charles Walker, the Tory chairman of the administration committee, said we could be putting off talented candidates from wanting to become MPs by not offering the right support packages

Sir Charles Walker, the Tory chairman of the administration committee, said we could be putting off talented candidates from wanting to become MPs by not offering the right support packages

The report called for severance payments to be brought into line with other parliaments, potentially pushing pay-offs – effectively ‘golden goodbyes’ – into six figures.

Sir Charles Walker, the Tory chairman of the administration committee, said: ‘It is clear that without the right support for Members when they leave Parliament, we may well be putting off talented candidates from seeking election to the House of Commons.’

The report said the Commons should also provide mental health support as MPs felt abandoned and ‘hounded out’ of office amid a ‘brutal toxic political culture’.

James Roberts, managing director of the TaxPayers’ Alliance campaign group, said: ‘Taxpayers would take a dim view of washed up politicians being rewarded with a medal. Being elected to Parliament should be privilege enough.’


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