The 30s are really when a man has truly come of age.

He’s likely been in at least one serious relationship; he’s climbed up the corporate ladder and is financially comfortable.

He’s travelled a lot and most importantly, he’s got a lot more clarity on what he’s looking for in a woman.

So assuming that he’s single, here are the 7 things single South African men want in their 30s:

1. They are definitely looking to be with someone special. While they are not on ‘the clock’, by the time they’re in their 30s, many of their friends are not only married, but also have started families and are really enjoying being with that someone special. And that makes single guys think. In research conducted by Floh, single men over 30 said that the worst thing about being single is that they feel unstable in their lives.

2. They want to have sex. Just like their younger selves, men in their 30s are looking for an active sex life. The good news is in this case, a man’s sex drive is matched by a woman’s in her 30s and that can be extremely fulfilling for both. Men and women are both more confident, and are unafraid to express themselves in the bedroom.

3. They’re happier spending the evening just with one person. Unlike their younger avatars, 30 plus men are very happy to spend an entire evening with a woman on a date rather than hanging out with a group of friends. It’s very likely that they’re actively seeking a committed relationship and are willing to invest the time and effort to look deeper and find a compatible partner.

4. No Games, no drama. If there’s one huge turn-on for men, it is a woman who knows herself and doesn’t play games. Remember, they’ve been around the block a few times and their ability to sense something that’s not authentic is finely honed. So anything that rings false or hollow is very likely going to be picked up by these men.

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5. A woman with a nurturing personality. Let’s face it. They’re not getting any younger and are keen to start a family sooner rather than later. A crucial element that makes this a lot easier is if a woman exudes a nurturing personality. It certainly helps fire up the man’s imagination and may just be the trait that tips him over.

6. A confident woman. This is the one personality trait that will certainly get any man’s attention. By the time men are in their 30s, they have met and interacted with thousands of people across all walks of life. They now have an innate ability to sense confidence in a woman. Since she’s an embodiment of what every person aspires to be, a confident woman is irresistible.

7. A companion willing to try new experiences. With literally the whole world out there to discover, a female companion who is game to try out new experiences can make even the most mundane activities memorable. She’s not only going to be very knowledgeable, but also infuse a sense of real adventure into their whole life together. So go ahead and enjoy your 30s!

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