Awkward moment a woman confronts her neighbour after he was caught on CCTV pooing on her car at the end of a big night out

  • A Vic woman confronted her neighbour 
  • Amber woke up to a surprise on her Mazda
  • It was her neighbour who defecated on it

A woman has confronted her neighbour with the embarrassing news he’d defecated on her car after a big night out, with the disgusting act captured on CCTV.

Victorian resident Amber woke up on Wednesday to see that someone had pooed on the back of her shiny blue Mazda 3, only to discover it was her neighbour once she checked her CCTV.

After hosing off a majority of the mess herself, she confronted the neighbour at his front door after he’d had time to recover from a night Amber suspected involved a lot of drinking.

Footage and a still from the encounter was posted online by Amber, where people soon mercilessly roasted her neighbour’s shameful act and praised Amber’s remarkable restraint in laughing off the incident. 

Amber (pictured) woke up on Wednesday to see that someone had pooed on the back of her shiny blue Mazda 3

Amber (pictured) woke up on Wednesday to see that someone had pooed on the back of her shiny blue Mazda 3

Amber confronted her neighbour (pictured) on his doorstep about whether he had pooed on her car

Amber confronted her neighbour (pictured) on his doorstep about whether he had pooed on her car 

Mercifully leaving her neighbour’s face out of frame as she filmed the exchange, Amber asked whether he ‘went to the toilet’ on a car the evening before.

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‘Um, did you have a big night last night,’ she asked.

‘I think you’ve gone to the toilet on my car.’

Reeling, the neighbour admitted he had a ‘massive’ night but couldn’t believe he backed up to the Mazda parked just next door to his own house.

‘No way,’ he responded in disbelief.

Amber continued laughing but confirmed she had the proof if he needed to see it. 

‘I’ve cleaned most of it off but because we didn’t know who it was, we checked the camera,’ Amber said.

Despite her pleas of ‘don’t be embarrassed’, it failed to soothe her neighbour’s shame as the two walked towards the scene of the incident.

‘F*** me, I’m so f****** embarrassed,’ he said.

Amber told her neighbour she had caught the moment on CCTV (pictured) after she tried to figure out who had soiled her car

Amber told her neighbour she had caught the moment on CCTV (pictured) after she tried to figure out who had soiled her car

Amber had cleaned a majority of the mess off the car before showing her neighbour later in the day. He then offered to clean the car entirely

Amber had cleaned a majority of the mess off the car before showing her neighbour later in the day. He then offered to clean the car entirely 

After promising to fully wash the car, her neighbour asked if he’d knocked on her door late the night before.

‘Yeah, I think you did but don’t be embarrassed, I’ve had big nights too,’ Amber said.

Comments on the TikTok were less empathetic, savagely roasting the neighbour who ‘should be 100 per cent embarrassed’.

‘I’d be moving cross country that night,’ one said.

‘Why did my brain think he did it on the roof,’ another asked.

Though it appears the house has not been listed for sale as yet, another massive night is likely not on the cards for a while.

Comments on the TikTok were less empathetic than Amber, cracking jokes at the neighbour expense as the footage was viewed thousands of times

Comments on the TikTok were less empathetic than Amber, cracking jokes at the neighbour expense as the footage was viewed thousands of times

Many viewers were shocked at the spot Amber's neighbour had chosen, with many assuming it had been done on the roof before seeing the CCTV footage

Many viewers were shocked at the spot Amber’s neighbour had chosen, with many assuming it had been done on the roof before seeing the CCTV footage

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The hungover neighbour offered to fully clean Amber's blue Mazda 3 (stock image)

The hungover neighbour offered to fully clean Amber’s blue Mazda 3 (stock image)


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