You might be having your own way to kick start our day.

Having a great morning routine can boost your day’s productivity, reduce stress levels and make you happier.

On the contrary, starting off your day on the wrong foot can ruin the rest of the day.

From hitting the snooze button to gulping down a cup of tea on empty stomach and skipping breakfast, here are certain morning mistakes that can sabotage your day as well as your health.

1. Hitting the Snooze Button every morning

Delaying getting out of bed by hitting the snooze button every morning can make you feel foggy and more tired as it can mess up with your body’s internal clock. Waking at the same time every day will help you to sleep better at night, which in turn promote good health and well-being.

2. Waking up with a jerk and not stretching

Shooting out of the bed too quickly could lead to a serious fall. Instead, give yourself time to wake up to balance the energy flow. When you suddenly go from lying down to standing, your blood pressure may drop suddenly as gravity sends blood rushing to your legs. This can make you feel a bit dizzy and even pass out.

When you wake up, experts suggest sitting up slowly and spending a few minutes in silence taking deep breaths. Move gently after waking up and do some gentle stretches to stretch those tight muscles. Else the stiffness can compromise your productivity through the day.

3. Starting your day with a cup of tea

Many of us have a habit of kickstarting the day with a cup of tea or coffee. But this can disturb your acid and alkaline balance. Drinking tea or coffee on an empty stomach can lead to dehydration, heartburn, vomiting, nausea and digestive issues.

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Give up this habit altogether and instead begin your day with plain water. If you can’t do without tea or coffee, first have a fruit after having water, and then wait for another 15 to 20 minutes.

4. Checking your phone right after waking up

When you wake up and immediately check your phone, it can distract your mind and affect your brain’s ability to prioritise tasks. Also, you’re likely to feel distracted for the rest of the day. Checking your emails in the morning won’t make you productive but will definitely put you in an unhappy mood.

5. Skipping breakfast

Studies have link skipping breakfast to obesity, diabetes and weak immunity. While some experts say skipping breakfast can lead to one making wrong food choices through the day, others opine that missing the first meal of the day can put extra strain on the body

Usually, your blood sugar levels are low in the morning as there’s been a long gap between dinner and breakfast time. If you’re not eating anything within about half an hour of waking up, the levels may dip further, making you lethargic.

But tea and biscuits are not a good breakfast menu. A few soaked almonds, whole wheat bread, and some fruit make a great breakfast combo. This will cause your blood sugar levels to raise gradually.

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