Is this Britain’s worst junction? ‘Ridiculous’ central London crossroads with bizarre mishmash of road markings leaves motorists and sat navs baffled

  • Crossroads in central London, south of London Bridge, has left many bemused
  • ‘Ridiculous’ mishmash of road markings has bamboozled many London cabbies 

A London crossroads with bizarre road markings has left motorists and sat navs baffled.

The junction on the south of London Bridge features a ‘ridiculous’ mishmash of instructions for road users, with roughly six separate arrows, three ‘Bus Gate’ markings, a bicycle icon and a group of overlapping lines. 

It seems as if the confusion has stemmed from old markings not being properly removed before the new ones from Labour Mayor of London Sadiq Khan 2020 Streetspace scheme were painted on.

Khan’s scheme at the start of the pandemic meant cars were largely frozen out and only pedestrians, buses, bikes and black cabs could use the bridge on weekdays.

This crossroads in central London, on the south of London Bridge, has left many drivers bemused

This crossroads in central London, on the south of London Bridge, has left many drivers bemused

The 'ridiculous' mishmash of road markings (pictured) in the capital has bamboozled many cabbies

The ‘ridiculous’ mishmash of road markings (pictured) in the capital has bamboozled many cabbies

One taxi driver told The Sun: ‘It’s ridiculous. Nobody needs a dozen painted arrows to drive in a straight line.

‘Even the sat nav doesn’t know what the right road layout is.’

Khan’s Streetspace scheme was intended ‘to make it easier and safer for people to walk, cycle and use public transport’, TfL said.

It added: ‘We wanted to avoid people using their cars where possible, helping us reduce congestion, clean London’s air and help people be healthier.

‘As part of our funding settlements we have received from Government during the pandemic, funds were set aside to invest in healthy streets schemes.

Khan's Streetspace scheme was intended 'to make it easier and safer for people to walk, cycle and use public transport', TfL said

Khan’s Streetspace scheme was intended ‘to make it easier and safer for people to walk, cycle and use public transport’, TfL said

Sadiq Khan's (pictured) transport plans have been criticised recently as the Mayor plans to expand his contentious Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) in August

Sadiq Khan’s (pictured) transport plans have been criticised recently as the Mayor plans to expand his contentious Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) in August 

The scheme saw more than 60 miles of trail cycle lanes laid down in the city, as well as 89 controversial Low Traffic Neighbourhoods.

Khan’s transport plans have been criticised recently as the Mayor plans to expand his contentious Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) in August.

ULEZ is set to force Londoners to pay an incredible £12.50-a-day to drive in the capital from August 29, if their cars don’t meet certain environmental standards.   


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