Lashawn Thompson died in a jail cell in the psychiatric wing of one of the country

Lashawn Thompson died in a jail cell in the psychiatric wing of one of the country’s largest lockups based in Atlanta, the Fulton County Jail. (Photos from family attorney Michael Harper)

Lawyers for the family of an inmate with schizophrenia who died in a filthy Atlanta jail cell called for a federal investigation after they said he was “eaten alive by bedbugs” while jailers and medical staff allegedly did nothing to prevent it.

Lashawn Thompson died in September while being housed in a cell infested with bedbugs, lice and roaches in the psychiatric ward of the Fulton County Jail. He had over 1,000 bites on his face, eyes, neck, ears, and body, and medical staff and jailers didn’t check on him for days, even though they were supposed to check on him daily, the family’s lawyers said.

“This is God awful when you think about it,” said civil rights attorney Benjamin Crump, who joined the family on Thursday for a news conference. “What happened to Lashawn Thompson is a human rights violation. You can not call it anything but. Even the sheriff agreed. It was deplorable conditions, like a Third-World country.

“And so we ain’t going let nobody pass the baton. We want justice for Lashawn.”

Law and Crime

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