Chilling video shows transgender activist warning women who try to stop her using their bathroom that ‘it will be the last mistake you ever make’

  • Transgender activist Tara Jay posted a clip on TikTok threatening anyone who tries to stop her from using female restrooms
  • Jay told her 2,400 followers that it would be ‘the last mistake you ever make,’ and went on to urge others to purchase guns, saying ‘this is a call to arms’
  • Jay’s clip – now deleted – was posted after the March 27 murder of six people by a transgender woman at a Nashville Christian school

A transgender activist has warned people not to try and prevent her from using female restrooms, saying that if they do ‘it will be the last mistake you ever make’.

Tara Jay’s now-deleted clip was shared with her 2,400 followers on TikTok.

Jay, who began transitioning in 2017, also urged other transgender and LGBTQ people to buy guns for their own safety.

‘If you back a wild animal into a corner, they’re going to become a dangerous animal,’ she said. 

‘So if you want to die on that hill of yours, of righteousness and moral majority, then you go right ahead. 

‘I dare you to try and stop me from going into the women’s bathroom. It will be the last mistake you ever make.’ 

Tara Jay posted a video to TikTok, telling her 2,400 followers that she would not accept anyone blocking her from using the female restrooms

Tara Jay posted a video to TikTok, telling her 2,400 followers that she would not accept anyone blocking her from using the female restrooms

Jay added: ‘This is a call to action.

‘Arm up. Go out buy a gun, learn how to use it.’ 

Her remarks were recorded after the March 27 murder of six people by a transgender woman at a Nashville Christian school, and sparked anger online.

The video has since been taken down.

Jay responded to the controversy in one of several videos, taunting social media platforms.

‘I don’t care if I lose this account. Report it all you want … I’m still going to use women’s restrooms and women’s locker rooms,’ she said.

The video circulated the same day House Republicans unanimously passed a bill protecting women’s sports by preventing biological men from competing against them.

Jay is frequently on social media, but her posts are often taken down due to their graphic content and violent threats

Jay is frequently on social media, but her posts are often taken down due to their graphic content and violent threats

The clip was spotted by Oli London, a British K-Pop singer who lived as a Korean woman before ‘de-transitioning’ and writing a book.

London told Fox News that Jay was ‘threatening women’s safety’ with the remarks.

‘This is just another example of a biological man feeling emboldened to invade women’s spaces in the name of ‘self-identity’ and threatening women’s safety without any fear of repercussions,’ said London.

He said Jay’s argument has ‘sadly has become all too common across society.’

‘In today’s America, people like this man, who identifies as a Poly Trans Lesbian, are encouraged to do this and praised as ‘stunning and brave’ for entering women’s spaces. 

‘Anyone that calls out men like this are immediately deemed ‘transphobic’ and ‘hateful bigots’. 

‘This is a harmful narrative, but sadly has become all too common across society. 

‘We cannot continue to allow women to be endangered by men like this in the name of gender ideology. Enough is enough, protect women’s spaces.’


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