How To Get Verified on Instagram for Free (7 Easy Steps)

Find out “How To Get Verified on Instagram for Free” Have you ever wondered how to get that coveted blue checkmark on your Instagram profile? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we will guide you through seven easy steps to help you get verified on Instagram without spending a dime. Let’s dive in!

How To Get Verified on Instagram for Free (7 Easy Steps)

Instagram verification is a sought-after status symbol that not only adds credibility to your profile but also enhances your online presence. It’s a way for Instagram to confirm the authenticity and importance of public figures, celebrities, brands, and influencers. While it may seem like a challenging process, we’ve broken it down into seven straightforward steps that can increase your chances of getting verified.

Who Can Get Verified on Instagram?

Who can get verified on Instagram

Did you take a few seconds to notice not just the Instagram usernames of the above celebrities but also the number of followers each has?

If you just did, you certainly understand it’s not about the followers. Getting verified on Instagram certainly has nothing to do with the number of followers a user has been able to acquire.

A lot of users buy these followers. And of course, you can’t be applying for verification with fake followers, the Instagram Algorithm would certainly fish you out and trash you if need be.

So who can get verified on Instagram? Popular figures in society, Media Celebrities. Politicians, etc. The reason is not that unpopular users are neglected.

However, it’s easier to verify users who are usually on the news, or in publications.

Understanding Instagram Verification

Before we delve into the steps, let’s understand what Instagram verification entails. When an account is verified, it receives a blue checkmark badge next to its username. This badge acts as a trust signal, assuring users that the account is genuine and belongs to a notable entity. Verification also unlocks access to various features and opportunities on the platform.

Benefits of Getting Verified on Instagram

Getting verified on Instagram comes with several advantages. Firstly, it provides you with an official mark of authenticity, setting you apart from impersonators or fake accounts. Secondly, verified accounts gain access to advanced features like swipe-up links in Stories, which can be a game-changer for driving traffic to external websites. Moreover, verification enhances your online reputation and credibility, making it easier to establish partnerships and collaborations.

Criteria for Instagram Verification

Instagram has specific criteria for granting verification badges. While the platform doesn’t provide an exact checklist, there are a few key factors that can increase your chances of getting verified. These include having a significant following, being a public figure or celebrity, maintaining a strong online presence, and being actively engaged with your audience.

Step 1: Build a Strong Presence on Instagram

The first step towards getting verified is to build a strong presence on Instagram. This involves creating a well-curated and visually appealing profile that reflects your identity or brand. Choose a memorable username, write a compelling bio, and ensure your content aligns with your niche or industry.

Step 2: Establish Authenticity and Credibility

Authenticity is crucial when it comes to Instagram verification. To establish credibility, link your Instagram account to other verified accounts or official websites. This connection helps Instagram confirm your identity and validates your importance in your field.

Step 3: Grow Your Follower Base

Having a substantial follower base is a significant factor in Instagram verification. Focus on growing your audience organically by consistently posting engaging content, using relevant hashtags, and leveraging Instagram’s features like Stories, Reels, and IGTV. Engage with your followers by responding to comments and messages promptly.

Step 4: Engage with Your Audience

Engagement plays a vital role in Instagram’s verification process. Show genuine interest in your audience by liking, commenting, and sharing their content. This interaction helps foster a sense of community and demonstrates your dedication to building meaningful connections.

Step 5: Create High-Quality Content

Creating high-quality content is essential for Instagram verification. Focus on producing visually appealing photos and videos that resonate with your target audience. Use editing tools and filters to enhance the aesthetics of your posts. Consistency is key, so establish a posting schedule and stick to it.

Step 6: Leverage Other Social Media Channels

While Instagram is the primary focus for verification, having a strong presence on other social media channels can further strengthen your case. Link your Instagram account to your Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn profiles. Cross-promote your content and engage with your audience on these platforms as well.

Step 7: Apply for Verification

Once you have met the above criteria, it’s time to apply for verification. Go to your Instagram profile settings and look for the “Request Verification” option. Fill out the form with accurate information, including your full name, category, and government-issued photo identification. Be patient during the review process, as it may take some time for Instagram to evaluate your application.

How to Request Verification on Instagram?

Getting verified on Instagram is not so difficult anymore. This is because making an actual request is not as tasking as it used to be.

Now users can request from their devices, mobile, tablets, etc.

Request Instagram Verification Page
Request Instagram Verification Page

Let’s get started:

  1. Navigate to your Instagram profile. This can be done by clicking on an icon at the bottom right corner of your mobile device. This icon also displays your profile picture.
  2. There you can find an icon very similar to three bars stacked on each other, at the top right end or corner of your profile.
  3. Navigate to and select the icon for settings. You can find this icon as you scroll down just a little bit.
  4. The next thing to do is find the “Request Verification” option as you scroll down through the setting options.
  5. Thereafter you should see a form. This form usually has the username of your Instagram account filled. If you find a different username prefilled, it would be wise to return to the home page. You would have to confirm that this is the account you wish to apply for verification with and for.
  6. Next, you have to be very precise as you type in your full name. However, if you run a business, it’s best to type the full name of the social media manager.
  7. Next, you have to attach a photo for Identification. Not just any photo. If you are applying as an individual, you should be ready to submit a driver’s license, or passport, or Identification card. However, if you are a business, you should be submitting an article of incorporation as the case may be. Most times, you might have to submit a very recent electrical bill as well.
  8. Remember you can submit via uploading the document or taking an immediate picture of the document. However, ensure the picture is well taken.
  9. The final step would be to submit this entry by clicking on the submit or send button at bottom of the verification request page.
  10. It’s not over!

What Happens After You Request Verification on Instagram?

Instagram has moderators who review your request and account. They make the decision relative to the approval or denial of your Instagram verification request.

So don’t go celebrating just yet. However, once your request is successful, you will get a notification telling you about your verification.

This notification usually comes on the application.

Does Instagram Request Payment for Verification?

Of course not! Instagram will never for the sake of verification ask you to make any sort of payment. Instagram verification is free of cost.

How Often Can You Request or Apply for Instagram Verification?

Note that you do not necessarily need to feel bad if you got rejected or no response from Instagram. You can always reapply after 30 days. No matter what, ensure you do not reapply before the next 30 days.

This is because if you continue to apply multiple times, Instagram will cancel your application.

FAQs about Instagram Verification

  1. Can anyone get verified on Instagram? While anyone can apply for verification, Instagram primarily focuses on accounts that are of public interest, such as public figures, celebrities, global brands, or well-known influencers.
  2. Do I need a certain number of followers to get verified? While a high number of followers can increase your chances, it’s not the only factor considered. Instagram looks at the overall authenticity, importance, and impact of your account.
  3. What if my verification application is rejected? If your application is rejected, you can reapply after 30 days. Take that time to strengthen your profile, engage more with your audience, and enhance your online presence.
  4. Can I buy Instagram verification? No, Instagram strictly prohibits buying or selling verification badges. The verification process is solely based on merit and authenticity.
  5. How long does it take to get verified on Instagram? The verification process can take several weeks or even months. It depends on various factors, including the volume of verification requests received by Instagram.


Getting verified on Instagram for free is a goal many users aspire to achieve. By following the seven easy steps outlined in this article, you can increase your chances of obtaining that sought-after blue checkmark. Remember to build a strong presence, establish authenticity, engage with your audience, create high-quality content, leverage other social media channels, and apply for verification. Stay patient and persistent, and with a bit of luck, you could soon join the ranks of verified Instagram accounts.

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