Pull away the black mask, and political extremism has a new face: ‘TRANTIFA’.

The portmanteau of ‘trans’ and ‘ANTIFA’ is exactly what you’d expect — far-left transgender activists willing to intimidate, harass and even use violence to advance their radical new ideas about gender.

Much like ANTIFA, they’re not a formal group of card-carrying members. 

They’re a small group of trans activists on the edges of the movement who post angry rhetoric online and gather at rallies.

UN investigator Reem Alsalem told DailyMail.com ‘screaming trans activists’ were a worrying and ‘increasing trend’ that must be tackled.  

Trantifa activists make crude gestures and display the trans-antifascist banner at a rally in Vancouver, Canada, in March

Trantifa activists make crude gestures and display the trans-antifascist banner at a rally in Vancouver, Canada, in March

The Vancouver rally descended into chaos, a female trans activist lashed out at an opponent of radical gender ideology, among the crowd of shouting TRANTIFA members

The Vancouver rally descended into chaos, a female trans activist lashed out at an opponent of radical gender ideology, among the crowd of shouting TRANTIFA members 

'TRANTIFA' activists clad in black and masks getting ready to disrupt a feminists' event in Tacoma, Washington, last year

‘TRANTIFA’ activists clad in black and masks getting ready to disrupt a feminists’ event in Tacoma, Washington, last year

Julio Rosas, an author who recently testified to House lawmakers about leftist extremism, cites a series of trans extremist incidents, including trans shooter Audrey Hale‘s bloody rampage in a Christian elementary school in Nashville.

‘Trans activists gravitate towards these very far-left groups, because they share their anarcho-communist type ideology,’ Rosas told DailyMail.com.

‘They view the US as systemically racist, that it’s subjugated queer people, and that states passing laws against child mutilations is part of a trans genocide. And they’re fighting back.’

He described a radicalized group of trans activists concentrated on the East and West coasts who coordinate via messaging apps to stage rallies, confront rivals and push their ideas into the mainstream.

The FBI declined to comment on whether it was monitoring violent trans activism, but Rosas, Alsalem and some Republican politicians refer to ever-more incidents that make headlines.

In March, Hale shot and killed three children and three adults at Nashville’s Covenant School. The 28-year-old had started using he/him pronouns and going by the name Aiden.

Police are still studying the ‘manifesto’ Hale left behind. A court will decide whether to make it public.

Former NCAA swimmer Riley Gaines was in April punched by a trans woman activist at San Francisco State University, after she made a speech against allowing female trans athletes to compete in women’s sports.

Julio Rosas, an expert on far-left violence

UN investigator Reem Alsalem

Julio Rosas (left), an expert on far-left violence, and UN investigator Reem Alsalem, say trans extremism is a threat 

Calls for police to release Audrey Hale's 'manifesto' have grown louder in the weeks after she murdered six adults and children at a Nashville Christian school

Calls for police to release Audrey Hale’s ‘manifesto’ have grown louder in the weeks after she murdered six adults and children at a Nashville Christian school 

Protesters near the Supreme Court in Washington DC during a debate on trans rights. Many trans activists say they're battling a 'genocide' and have vowed to fight back

Protesters near the Supreme Court in Washington DC during a debate on trans rights. Many trans activists say they’re battling a ‘genocide’ and have vowed to fight back

Kayla Denker says there's nothing scary about the video she posted of herself toting a military-grade weapon and threatening 'transphobes', insisting that she preaches non-violence and self-defense

Kayla Denker says there’s nothing scary about the video she posted of herself toting a military-grade weapon and threatening ‘transphobes’, insisting that she preaches non-violence and self-defense

In May, US cyclist Hannah Arensman revealed she’d quit the sport because she was harassed over her opposition to competing against biological males, including by members of the John Brown Gun Club, a pro-trans antifa group.

Meanwhile, trans women increasingly post online TRANTIFA videos about armed self-defense.

TikTok creator Tara Jay recently shared a menacing video clip with her 2,400 followers about using guns against anyone who dares to ‘stop me from going into the women’s bathroom.’

‘It will be the last mistake you ever make,’ she warned in the now-deleted post, in which she urged LGBTQ people to arm themselves.

Likewise, blogger Kayla Denker, a trans woman, posted footage of herself toting a military-style weapon, warning any ‘transphobes’ who ‘come for me.’

She later said she advocates for non-violent self-defense.

TRANTIFA activists use the acronym ‘TERF’ to disparage their opponents as trans-exclusionary radical feminists. They frequently threaten ‘TERFs’ with violence on social media and wear ‘punch a TERF’ t-shirts.

Other shirts sold online say ‘trans rights … or else’ alongside images of guns.

Alsalem, a UN special rapporteur, is tasked with monitoring violence against women and girls globally. She said women who speak up for women-only sports contests, bathrooms, or prisons face harassment or worse.

She threw her weight behind Gaines, who she says was ‘ambushed and hit’ by ‘screaming trans activists’ in San Francisco after speaking out against biological males competing in female-only sports contests.

‘There is an increasing trend that I have been observing,’ Alsalem told DailyMail.com.

Officials in the US and other western countries affected by this problem must ‘ensure that the freedom of speech and thought, including on the issues of sex, gender, and gender identity be protected and upheld,’ Alsalem said.

Merchandise includes t-shirts and stickers with guns alongside trans flags and slogans

Merchandise includes t-shirts and stickers with guns alongside trans flags and slogans 

Tara Jay posted a video to TikTok, telling her 2,400 followers that she would not accept anyone blocking her from using the female restrooms

Tara Jay posted a video to TikTok, telling her 2,400 followers that she would not accept anyone blocking her from using the female restrooms

Online retailers sell trans merch that flirts with violence, like this t-shirt adorned with guns

Online retailers sell trans merch that flirts with violence, like this t-shirt adorned with guns   

The National Center for Transgender Equality and other trans campaign groups did not answer DailyMail.com’s requests for comment.

They say trans people are more often victims of rape, beatings and other violence than they are perpetrators.

The Human Rights Campaign, America’s biggest LGBTQ group, this week declared a ‘state of emergency’ for members of the community.

Kelley Robinson, the group’s president, described a ‘tidal wave of increased homophobia and transphobia’ that was forcing ‘families to uproot their lives and flee their homes in search of safer states.’ 

Erin Reed says trans people are fighting a 'genocide'

Erin Reed says trans people are fighting a ‘genocide’  

Erin Reed, a prominent trans campaigner, says trans people face a ‘genocide’, pointing to many bills Republicans are pushing through state legislatures this year, outlawing puberty blockers for trans kids and other measures.

The ‘legislative assault … seeks to remove us from public life, remove all legal protections, remove our trans children from parents, remove their medically necessary care,’ Reed tweeted.

‘It will kill people.’

Reed, like most trans campaigners, powerfully argues the case for trans rights, but does not advocate violence. Rosas, the author of Fiery But Mostly Peaceful, said TRANTIFA operates on the fringes of the same movement.

Rosas says he encountered many trans activists among the antifa groups he monitored during the racial justice protests that erupted in the summer of 2020. 

He relayed his experiences to members of the House Homeland Security Committee at a hearing on left-wing violence last month. 

To put TRANTIFA in context, DailyMail.com spoke to the old-school feminists who have been ideologically opposed to trans activists for decades, and seen some evolve into a more hardline, even militant, group.

They describe what was once a small group of trans women becoming increasingly radicalized, better organized and more dangerous. Nowadays, members frequently don antifa-style combat gear and masks when they pile in on feminist rallies.

April Morrow, a disabled 58-year-old woman, is one of them. She says she was attacked by a 27-year-old trans woman activist at a feminist rally she arranged in Tacoma, Washington, in October. 

TRANTIFA activists wearing combat gear hide their faces after crashing a feminists' rally in Portland, Oregon, last year

TRANTIFA activists wearing combat gear hide their faces after crashing a feminists’ rally in Portland, Oregon, last year

Trans rights activists pelted this feminist campaigner with pies at a rally in Portland, Oregon, last year

Trans rights activists pelted this feminist campaigner with pies at a rally in Portland, Oregon, last year   

The feminists were pelted with eggs and pies. The masked attackers wrenched protest banners from their hands, and then fled.

There, trans activists ‘encircled’ the feminists, who were ‘totally outnumbered,’ said Morrow. Her attacker, a young trans woman, came ‘out of nowhere and grabbed my hand’ as she filmed the chaos on her cell phone.

The activist wrenched Morrow’s wrist and pushed her to the ground. It hurt, and the injury has kept her out of work, she said. The incident was captured on video, police arrested the attacker, who may face assault charges.

Kara Dansky, a feminist author and president of Women’s Declaration International in the US, was protesting in Oakland in December against California’s prison system, which lets trans women convicts serve their sentences in women’s prisons.

She and other feminists were attacked by a group of black-clad TRANTIFA activists.

The women described being startled, shaken and slightly roughed up.

Dansky describes the masked attackers as ‘men’ who could easily overpower them.

‘It’s inevitable that one or more women who stand up for women’s sex-based rights is going to be killed,’ said Dansky.

‘It’s hard to grasp how normal this is, and how frequently women are on the receiving end of violent threats from men.’

Lierre Keith, an old-school feminist and founder of the Women’s Liberation Front (Wolf), has followed the emergence of TRANTIFA.

In the infancy of the trans rights movement, activists set up Camp Trans to protest the entry rules of the Michigan Womyn's Music Festival, which only allowed biological women inside

In the infancy of the trans rights movement, activists set up Camp Trans to protest the entry rules of the Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival, which only allowed biological women inside   

Women attendees of the music festival say the trans campaigners would follow them around the woods, hurling insults and even spitting at them

Women attendees of the music festival say the trans campaigners would follow them around the woods, hurling insults and even spitting at them 

That movement got stronger and more active, said Keith. In the 2010s, trans activists started successfully deplatforming ‘TERFs’ from university speaking slots and used bomb threats to close down other events.

The movement began in the 1990s at the Michigan Womyn’s Music Festival, an annual feminist gathering that only allowed entry to biological women, she said.

That rule irked trans women, who set up a rival event nearby called Camp Trans.

The group, Transexual Menace, led by Riki Wilchins, tried to harass and intimidate women attendees of the music festival, said Keith.

Tensions ratcheted up further at a Wolf event at Toronto Public Library in December 2019, where between 500-1,000 trans activists, men and women, rallied outside in a bid to stop feminist Megan Murphy from speaking.

‘They’ve got themselves completely worked up, they honestly think there’s a genocide going on against them,’ Keith told DailyMail.com.

‘If you really think you’re under that kind of threat, then you can justify anything.’

Like Dansky, Keith expects more flareups, as tensions over trans rights and other culture wars issues are stoked by next year’s presidential contest.

‘It is going to get a lot worse before it gets better,’ said Keith.


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