Republicans are building their case that the Department of Justice is improperly providing political cover for the Biden family.

New bombshell IRS and FBI whistleblower testimony is adding to a swelling list of controversies for the Biden family. 

This week, sworn statements by agents revealed how Hunter Biden was given ‘special treatment’ by DOJ and the IRS during the criminal investigation into tax and gun crimes – leadership stopped felony charges for the first son and turned a blind eye to over $17 million accepted by the Biden family from foreigners. In addition, Republicans released an internal FBI document showing Joe and Hunter ‘coerced’ a Burisma CEO into giving them $10 million in exchange for firing a Ukrainian prosecutor.

The top instances that Republicans and whistleblowers have pointed to that they say shows the DOJ has been politically ‘weaponized’ to provide cover for President Biden and his family include: 

  • Secret Service accused of ‘cover up’ in the stashing of Hunter Biden’s gun 
  • 51 intel officials worked with Biden’s now-Sec. of State Blinken to discount Hunter’s laptop as Russian disinfo before 2020 election – which was dispelled
  • DOJ and social media worked to suppressed Hunter laptop story, meanwhile DOJ had the laptop and authenticated it
  • IRS whistleblower claims Hunter got ‘special treatment’ in probe – no FBI interview, no raid of his residence
  • Hunter gets ‘sweetheart’ plea deal while whistleblowers say he should have been charged with a felony 
  • Investigators prevented from looking into President Biden or interviewing his family 
  • Hunter tipped off about interview with FBI night before
  • U.S. Attorney David Weiss accused of contradicting himself on charging authority
  • FBI document details $10 million payout to Joe and Hunter by Burisma CEO
  • Over $17M has been funneled from foreign sources to the Biden family
  • Biden family could have accepted up to $40M 
The Biden family could have accepted up to $40M say top Republicans

The Biden family could have accepted up to $40M say top Republicans

Secret Service accused of ‘cover up’ in the stashing of Hunter’s gun

The Secret Service (USSS) has been accused of a ‘cover-up’ over its alleged involvement in a police investigation when Hunter Biden’s lover dumped his gun in a trash can near a school in 2018. 

Hunter’s lover and brother’s widow, Hallie Biden, left his .38 handgun at the top of a trash can at Jansens supermarket in Wilmington, Delaware in October 2018, sparking a police probe. 

In texts on his abandoned laptop, Hunter claimed that when Delaware cops found the gun ‘the FBI and the Secret Service’ got involved – though USSS has repeatedly denied it.

He wrote that Hallie told officers she took the weapon because she was ‘afraid for the kids’ and ‘because she was scared I would harm myself due to my drug and alcohol problem.’

The Secret Service has always denied being involved in the incident, as Joe Biden was not vice president at the time and not under their protection.

51 intel officials worked with Biden’s now-Sec. of State Blinken to discount Hunter’s laptop as Russian disinformation – which was dispelled 

In October 2020, shortly after the New York Post’s first report on the Hunter Biden laptop, a letter signed by 51 former intelligence officials suggesting the computer had ‘hallmarks’ of Russian disinformation went public. 

Now-Sec. of State Antony Blinken, a former Biden campaign adviser, has denied being behind the infamous letter that sought to discredit laptop reporting ahead of the 2020 election. 

Former CIA leader Mike Morrell had testified in Congress that an Oct. 17, 2020 call with Blinken had ‘absolutely’ triggered his interest in coordinating the letter. 

Whistleblower Gary Shapley, a longtime IRS employee, recently testified before Congress that the FBI had ‘verified’ the laptop’s authenticity in November 2019 – before even the Bidens themselves were still suggesting the laptop could be the work of the Russians. 

DOJ and social media worked to suppress Hunter laptop story, meanwhile DOJ had the laptop and authenticated it 

According to whistleblower testimony this week, a senior FBI official told Twitter that Hunter Biden’s laptop was legitimate on the same day the New York Post first published a report on it.  

That confirmation was not shared with voters ahead of the 2020 election. Social media companies censored reporting on the laptop.

‘Somebody from Twitter essentially asked whether the laptop was real. And one of the FBI folks who was on the call did confirm that, “yes, it was,’ before another participant jumped in and said, ‘no further comment,”‘ Laura Dehmlow, section chief of the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force, detailed in closed-door deposition before the House Judiciary Committee this week, according to a release from the GOP-led committee.

The FBI’s non-public verification came just hours after the first story on emails from the laptop showing then-Vice President Joe Biden took a meeting with an executive at Ukrainian gas company Burisma holdings.

Another email referred to ’10 percent for the big guy’ — reportedly referring to Joe Biden getting a cut of the proceeds from son Hunter and brother James’ business partnership with Chinese government-linked CEFC China Energy.

IRS whistleblower claims Hunter got ‘special treatment’ in criminal probe – no FBI interview, no raid of his residence

IRS Criminal Investigator Joseph Ziegler showed his face for the first time Wednesday after blowing the whistle on preferential treatment in the Hunter Biden case and previously only being identified as Whistleblower X

IRS Criminal Investigator Joseph Ziegler showed his face for the first time Wednesday after blowing the whistle on preferential treatment in the Hunter Biden case and previously only being identified as Whistleblower X

Former IRS supervisory special agent Shapley and IRS criminal investigator with the International Tax and Financial Crimes Division Joseph Ziegler claimed in testimony this week that Hunter Biden was treated differently than other taxpayers and the case was handled in a special manner – leading them to feel compelled to come forward.

They told the Oversight Committee their investigation ‘supported felony and misdemeanor tax charges,’ which were ultimately not brought against the president’s son Hunter due to political pressures.

They were also kept from interviewing the president’s son during the 5-year investigation. 

‘I’ve never been told that we could not approach someone to interview them as a part of an investigation,’ Ziegler told Congress.

Ziegler testified that he and Shapley wanted to probe further into President Biden’s connection – but were shut down due to the ‘optics’ of executing a search warrant at the president’s Delaware beach house.

‘There were multiple instances in this investigation where there were references to the father of the subject, President Biden,’ Shapley added.

He said that ‘in the course of any normal investigation, when the subject’s father is somehow related to the finances of the subject,’ he would have had the ability to investigate that further.

In the Hunter probe, he was prevented from doing just that.

Former IRS supervisory special agent Shapley

Former IRS supervisory special agent Shapley

Hunter gets ‘sweetheart’ plea deal while whistleblowers say he should have been charged with a felony 

The whistleblowers claim that any other American who committed the same tax crimes as Hunter Biden would be charged with felonies.

Hunter Biden reached a plea deal last month with the Justice Department that allowed him to plead guilty to two tax fraud misdemeanors – a deal that also allowed the president’s son to avoid jail time for his gun crimes.

The DOJ had been probing whether Hunter had intentionally failed to pay his taxes and lied when he claimed on a gun form that he was not a drug user. 

‘In the Criminal Tax Manual Chapter 10, found on the DOJ website, Tax Division policy states that cases involving individuals who fail to file tax returns or pay a tax, but who also commit acts of evasion or obstruction, should be charged as felonies to avoid inequitable treatment,’ Special Agent Ziegler said in his opening remarks before the Oversight panel.

‘In early August of 2022, federal prosecutors from the Department of Justice Tax Division drafted a 99-page memorandum. In so, they were recommending for approval felony and misdemeanor charges for 2017, ’18 and ’19 tax years,’ he said. ‘That did not happen here and I’m not sure why.’

‘As the special agent on this case, I thought the felony cases were well supported,’ he added.

Republicans have blasted Hunter’s ‘sweetheart’ deal with the Department of Justice. 

The whistleblowers also brought into question during Wednesday's hearing the credibility of Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss

The whistleblowers also brought into question during Wednesday’s hearing the credibility of Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss

Investigators were prevented from looking into President Biden or interviewing his family  

Republicans have long claimed that any investigation into the Biden family was slow-walked.

Whenever a question involving President Biden came up in the IRS case into the First Son, the investigators were told not to go there, according to a whistleblower this week. 

Ziegler, in a pre-recorded interview that coincided with his live testimony, told CBS News that he was often shooed away from looking into the president’s potential involvement in his son’s tax crimes.

‘Did you uncover evidence that President Biden financially benefited from his son’s deals?’ interviewer Catherine Herridge asked.

‘I don’t feel comfortable answering that question,’ Ziegler replied.

When prompted to explain why, he said: ‘Anytime we potentially wanted to go down the road of asking questions related to the President, it was, ‘That’s going to take too much approvals. We can’t ask those questions.’ And, I mean, it created an environment that was very hard to deal with.’

‘It’s a politically sensitive case, wouldn’t it require additional approvals?’ she pressed.

He responded: ‘Yes, I do understand that aspect. But it would be like, ‘Well, let’s think about it. Let’s put it on the backburner.’

Additionally, at the hearing, Ziegler and Shapley said that they were stopped from interviewing family members of President Biden – including his adult children and grandchildren.

Hunter Biden tipped off about interview with FBI the night before

An agent who worked in the FBI’s Wilmington field office told Oversight Committee staff in a transcribed interview on Monday that the Biden transition team was tipped off the night before they planned to interview Hunter.

‘This was not the original plan by the career agents, which frustrated their investigative efforts because people found out who didn’t need to know,’ the committee said.

Democrats were quick to dismiss the agent’s claim, saying it was common for the FBI and DOJ to disagree about how to proceed with an investigation. 

According to Chairman James Comer: ‘On the day of the Hunter Biden interview, federal agents were told to stand by and could not approach Hunter Biden—they had to wait for his call. As a result of the change in plans, IRS and FBI criminal investigators never got to interview Hunter Biden as part of the investigation.’

A newly released FD-1023 document includes bombshell claims that Joe Biden and his son Hunter forced a Ukrainian oil executive to pay them $10 million

A newly released FD-1023 document includes bombshell claims that Joe Biden and his son Hunter forced a Ukrainian oil executive to pay them $10 million 

U.S. Attorney David Weiss accused of contradicting himself on charging authority 

Ziegler also brought into question during Wednesday’s hearing the credibility of Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss – a Trump appointee who was allegedly given independent authority over the Hunter Biden case. 

He claimed that Weiss changed his story when it came to carrying out charges against Hunter Biden.

‘In a recent letter to Congress, Mr. Weiss stated that he had been granted ultimate authority over the matter, but then later stated in the same letter that his charging authority is geographically limited – and that he would need a President Biden-appointed U.S. Attorney to partner with him in charging the case,’ Ziegler lamented to the Oversight Committee.

‘Mr. Weiss stated that he was making all decisions necessary to preserve the integrity of the prosecution consistent with federal law.’

The agents said under oath that Weiss asked Washington, D.C., U.S. Attorney Matthew Graves to bring those charges. But after Graves refused, Weiss threw out the potential felony charges and struck a plea deal with the president’s son.

‘I watched U.S. Attorney [David] Weiss tell a room full of senior FBI and IRS senior leaders on October 7, 2022, that he was not the deciding person on whether charges were filed,’ Shapley said, contradicting Weiss’ previous public statements.

‘If the Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss followed DOJ policy as he stated in his most recent letter, Hunter Biden should have been charged with a tax felony, and not only the tax misdemeanor charge,’ said Ziegler. ‘We need to treat each taxpayer the same under the law.’

FBI document details $10 million payout to Joe and Biden by Burisma CEO

A newly released FD-1023 document includes bombshell claims that Joe Biden and his son Hunter forced a Ukrainian oil executive to pay them $10 million in exchange for the then-Vice President’s influence in getting a senior prosecutor fired.

According to the conversation between a confidential source and Burisma CFO Vadim Pojarski in 2015, Hunter Biden was hired onto the company’s board to ‘protect us, through his dad, from all kinds of problems.’

Burisma CEO Mykola Zlochevsky told the source: ‘It costs 5 (million) to pay one Biden, and 5 (million) to another Biden.’

Zlochevsky added that, although Hunter ‘was stupid,’ and his (Zlochevsky’s) dog was smarter, he was needed on the board ‘so everything will be okay.’ 

According to the blockbuster FD-1023 form – some of which is redacted – the Confidential Human Source (CHS) met with the high-ranking Burisma executives between 2015 and 2016.

It’s not clear whether any of the claims in the document are true or not. 

Burisma was looking to spend up to $30 million on a U.S.-based oil and gas company. However, at the time, it was also the subject of a criminal investigation by Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin, which the company knew ‘would have a substantial negative impact on Burisma’s prospective IPO in the United States.’

When asked about the investigation, the form states that Zlochevsky replied: ‘Don’t worry Hunter will take care of all of those issues through his dad.’

Later, then-Vice President Joe Biden made a public statement that Shokin was ‘corrupt, and that he should be fired/removed from office.’

Democrats on the Oversight Committee claim the FBI had already investigated such claims when Rudy Giuliani went to the agency with claims of corruption between the Bidens and Burisma. 

Over $17M has been funneled from foreign sources to the Biden family, confirms IRS whistleblower

IRS agent Ziegler said in testimony that the Biden family has accepted over $17 million in foreign payments, with over half going to Hunter Biden. Republicans had claimed previously the Biden family had accepted up to $20 million in bribes. 

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., asked Ziegler during Wednesday’s hearing to confirm the total amount of foreign income obtained by the Biden family.

‘This brings the total amount of foreign income streams received to approximately $17 million, correct?’ asked Comer.

‘That is correct,’ replied the whistleblower.

‘The purpose of documenting the foreign sources is part of a normal international tax investigation,’ Ziegler added. ‘We have to figure out where the money is coming from.’

Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings LLC paid Hunter and his associates $6.5 million – but their total came to $7.3 million when a PR firm and law firm payments were taken into account.  

Biden family could have accepted up to $40M 

Members of the Biden family may have accepted more than $40 million from foreign nationals in return for forming favorable policy decisions based on bank records, Comer has previously claimed.

The countries giving the money include China, Romania and Ukraine.

‘This was organized crime – there’s no other way to define it,’ Kentucky Republican James Comer alleged in an interview last month.

He said the committee had identified ‘six specific policy decisions’ where President Joe Biden acted where the committee ‘can’t come to any other conclusion’ other than that the president was ‘compromised.’

Comer said then that he was confident his investigation would find proof of ‘at least $17 million’ from overseas payments, but that he would not be surprised if ‘transactions exceed $40 million plus.’

The Oversight Committee chairman also said that his panel had obtained further banking statements and Treasury suspicious activity reports showing ‘more bank accounts, more shell companies and more Bidens being involved in an alleged policy pedaling scheme.

The committee is expected to release those bank statements in coming weeks.


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