BLM organiser who helped run demo that toppled Edward Colston’s statue pleads not guilty to fraud over fundraising pages linked to protest

  • Xahra Saleem, 22, appeared before magistrates in Bristol accused of fraud
  • The Black Lives Matter campaigner pleaded not guilty to the two charges
  • She is accused of setting up fundraising pages and keeping the money 

A Black Lives Matter organiser has denied stealing ‘tens of thousands’ after being accused of setting up fundraising pages and pocketing the money.

Xahra Saleem is facing fraud charges relating to fundraisers that were started around the time a crowd toppled the statue of Edward Colston into Bristol harbour.

The 22-year-old, of Briars Walk, Romford, east London, appeared at Bristol Magistrates’ Court today accused of two counts of fraud by abuse of position.

The Colston statue was pushed into the harbour on June 7, 2020, during protests related to the death of George Floyd in the US, and the subsequent global BLM movement.

Saleem is said to have been one of the organisers of the protest and had set up a crowdfunding page to raise money for face masks and other equipment to help facilitate the march legally, given it was taking place at the time of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Black Lives Matter organiser Xahra Saleem (pictured leaving Bristol Magistrates' Court) is charged with two counts of fraud by abuse of position after a police investigation into two fundraising pages

Black Lives Matter organiser Xahra Saleem (pictured leaving Bristol Magistrates’ Court) is charged with two counts of fraud by abuse of position after a police investigation into two fundraising pages

The first fundraiser set up by the 22-year-old helped organise the Black Lives Matter demonstration that saw the statue of Edward Colston toppled in Bristol in 2020, and a second one was set up to help support the people arrested afterwards

The first fundraiser set up by the 22-year-old helped organise the Black Lives Matter demonstration that saw the statue of Edward Colston toppled in Bristol in 2020, and a second one was set up to help support the people arrested afterwards

An agreement is said to have been made that any excess funds would go to charity Changing Your Mindset Ltd – which was a youth group based in the St Pauls area of Bristol.

Following the protest, which gained world-wide attention, the page raised tens of thousands of pounds, however none of the money is alleged to have arrived with the charity.

The defendant is also said to have set up a fundraising page following the protest to raise money for the legal costs of those facing charges.

Those funds are again said to have not been handed over.

Saleem is accused of not passing on money from both of the fundraisers she started

 Saleem is accused of not passing on money from both of the fundraisers she started

Both charges of fraud read out in court alleged that while acting as an organiser for campaign groups ABL Bristol and Changing Your Mindset Ltd she ‘dishonestly abused that position intending thereby to make a gain, namely used the funds raised, for [her]self’.

The charges stated that Ms Saleem allegedly committed the offences while at an address in Tadpole Garden Village in Swindon, ‘or elsewhere’.

Ms Saleem gave her present address as Briars Walk, Romford, Essex.

Saleem was taken into court wearing a black niqab and long navy blue trench coat and spoke only to confirm her name, address and date of birth, and state her not guilty pleas.

District Judge Lynne Matthews told the defendant that due to the seriousness of the case it would have to be dealt with at the crown court.

Saleem will next appear at Bristol Crown Court on January 30, 2023.

The Colston statue was toppled in June 2020 amid a wave of Black Lives Matter protests in the UK

The Colston statue was toppled in June 2020 amid a wave of Black Lives Matter protests in the UK

Last year, four protesters who took part in the toppling of Colston’s statue – Rhian Graham, Milo Ponsford, Sage Willoughby and Jake Skuse – were cleared, sparking uproar in some quarters.

Campaigners said the move gave the ‘green light to political vandalism’.

The Colston statue was toppled in June 2020 amid a wave of protests in the UK, the US and elsewhere.

Left-wing protesters drew up a list of statues of historical figures to target, including Oliver Cromwell, King Charles II and First World War hero Lord Kitchener.

The statue of Winston Churchill outside Parliament was also daubed with graffiti branding the former PM a racist, leading to it being covered up to prevent further damage.

Since the toppling of Colston’s statue, which was later displayed on its side in M Shed Museum in Bristol, the name of the slave trader has been purged from the city. 

Edward Colston: Merchant and slave trader who trafficked 80,000 across the Atlantic and was once considered Bristol’s greatest son

Edward Colston was integral in the Royal African Company, which had complete control of Britain's slave trade

Edward Colston was integral in the Royal African Company, which had complete control of Britain’s slave trade

Edward Colston was born to a wealthy merchant family in Bristol, 1636.

After working as an apprentice at a livery company he began to explore the shipping industry and started up his own business.

He later joined the Royal African Company and rose up the ranks to Deputy Governor.

The Company had complete control of Britain’s slave trade, as well as its gold and Ivory business, with Africa and the forts on the coast of west Africa.

During his tenure at the Company his ships transported around 80,000 slaves from Africa to the Caribbean and America.

Around 20,000 of them, including around 3,000 or more children, died during the journeys. 

Colston’s brother Thomas supplied the glass beads that were used to buy the slaves.

Colston became the Tory MP for Bristol in 1710 but stood only for one term, due to old age and ill health.

He used a lot of his wealth, accrued from his extensive slave trading, to build schools and almshouses in his home city.

A statue was erected in his honour as well as other buildings named after him, including Colston Hall.

However, after years of protests by campaigners and boycotts by artists the venue recently agreed to remove all reference of the trader. 

On a statue commemorating Colston in Bristol, a plaque read: ‘Erected by citizens of Bristol as a memorial of one of the most virtuous and wise sons of their city.’ 

In the wake of the Black Lives Matter protests in 2020 sparked by the death of George Floyd in the US, the statue of Colston overlooking the harbour was torn down. 



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