A former US Army soldier from Kentucky has been sentenced to the maximum 45 years in prison Friday for plotting a murderous terrorist attack on his paratrooper unit.

Ethan Melzer, 24  was devoted to a violent extremist group seeking to erode or destroy Western civilization.

His hands trembled as the judge said he deserved the maximum because of the lasting harm he caused by sharing US military secrets with other followers of a radical violent group known as the Order of Nine Angles, or 09A, and other terrorist groups.

U.S. District Judge Gregory H. Woods rejected Melzer´s claim to be a remorseful, reformed man, saying it was more likely he was ‘playing another role’ in pursuit of leniency just as he had ‘played soldier’ so he could conspire to try to murder fellow paratroopers.

Melzer´s lawyers had asked that he get no more than 15 years behind bars. He pleaded guilty last June to trying to murder service members, supporting terrorists and illegally transmitting defense information. 

Ethan Melzer, 24 was devoted to a violent extremist group seeking to erode or destroy Western civilization

Ethan Melzer, 24 was devoted to a violent extremist group seeking to erode or destroy Western civilization

‘I still regret everything I did,’ Melzer told the judge before his sentence was announced. He said he wished ‘I could say I’m sorry to my platoon’ and wanted to show he could still be a productive member of society.

Melzer is alleged to have used a username, ‘Etil Reggad,’ in his communications with the ‘anarchist, neo-fascist, neo-Nazi, and anti-Semitic’ O9A. 

According to the federal government, O9A has expressed extremist views including one which claims Adolf Hitler ‘was sent by our gods to guide us to greatness’ and that the ‘story of the Jewish ‘holocaust’ is a lie to keep our race in chains and express our desire to see the truth revealed.’ 

The government also says O9A has also expressed support for the views of Al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden as well as backing for his organization’s terrorist attacks including the bombing of American embassies in Africa, the attack on the USS Cole, and the September 11, 2001, attacks. 

Shackled at the ankles, Melzer, of Louisville, Kentucky, was later escorted from the courtroom by deputy U.S. marshals.

Without a plea deal, Melzer could have faced a life prison term.

Calling Melzer a traitor, Assistant U.S. Attorney Matthew Hellman said his actions constituted ‘one of the most stunning betrayals from within the ranks of the armed forces … ever to be prosecuted in a federal court.’

Capt. Joshua Kraus, a military intelligence officer, told the judge Melzer created a ‘psychological cancer’ within his unit as the trust soldiers must put in their commanders and fellow service members was thrown into question with his May 30, 2020, arrest as his platoon was about to board buses to Italy.

The unit was heading to a military base where they were to guard an isolated and sensitive military installation.

O9A captured media attention this past summer when a US Army private, Ethan Melzer, was accused of plotting an attack on his own unit and sharing details about the unit's movements with the group. A book with the O9A logo was found among Melzer's belongings (pictured)

O9A captured media attention this past summer when a US Army private, Ethan Melzer, was accused of plotting an attack on his own unit and sharing details about the unit’s movements with the group. A book with the O9A logo was found among Melzer’s belongings (pictured)

Melzer is alleged to have used a username, 'Etil Reggad,' in his communications with the 'anarchist, neo-fascist, neo-Nazi, and anti-Semitic' O9A

Melzer is alleged to have used a username, ‘Etil Reggad,’ in his communications with the ‘anarchist, neo-fascist, neo-Nazi, and anti-Semitic’ O9A

Melzer was a private assigned to 1st Battalion, 503rd Regiment, 173rd Airborne Brigade stationed in Vicenza, Italy. The garrison is pictured here

Melzer was a private assigned to 1st Battalion, 503rd Regiment, 173rd Airborne Brigade stationed in Vicenza, Italy. The garrison is pictured here

Kraus said information Melzer shared online ‘with our sworn enemies’ will never be able to be recovered and has caused allies to doubt whether they can share sensitive information with the United States.

‘Our allies and enemies are very aware of this case,’ Kraus said.

Capt. Jacob Ferris, the former head of Melzer’s unit, said the platoon known as ‘The Cowboys’ was riding high when they were chosen from among 20 platoons for their sensitive mission, only to find that one of their own had ‘deceived and betrayed’ them and left them ‘labeled as a platoon that had a terrorist.’

He said Melzer’s fellow paratroopers in the 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat Team were left feeling angry as they contemplated ‘that one of their own had planned to kill them.’

He said the other soldiers faced questioning by investigators who wanted to know if they had seen signs that Melzer was betraying his oath to the United States, and it left them confronting what they might have missed.

Kraus said information Melzer shared online 'with our sworn enemies' will never be able to be recovered and has caused allies to doubt whether they can share sensitive information with the United States

Kraus said information Melzer shared online ‘with our sworn enemies’ will never be able to be recovered and has caused allies to doubt whether they can share sensitive information with the United States

Capt. Jacob Ferris, the former head of Melzer's unit, said the platoon known as 'The Cowboys' was riding high when they were chosen from among 20 platoons for their sensitive mission, only to find that one of their own had 'deceived and betrayed' them and left them 'labeled as a platoon that had a terrorist'

Capt. Jacob Ferris, the former head of Melzer’s unit, said the platoon known as ‘The Cowboys’ was riding high when they were chosen from among 20 platoons for their sensitive mission, only to find that one of their own had ‘deceived and betrayed’ them and left them ‘labeled as a platoon that had a terrorist’

One, Ferris said, told him: ‘I feel like out of 35 people, one of us should have seen the signs.’

Attorney Jonathan Marvinny, representing Melzer, requested leniency, saying his client had fallen beneath the spell of ‘a ridiculous cult,’ and he urged the judge not to heed prosecutors who ‘paint him as if he’s a monster.’

Authorities said Melzer joined the military to infiltrate its ranks on behalf of a group espousing neo-Nazi, antisemitic and Satanic beliefs. They said the group tells members to subvert the military from within by infiltrating it to gain training, commit acts of violence and identify like-minded individuals.

Prosecutors said in court papers that Melzer planned to join co-conspirators he met online to carry out a ‘jihadi attack’ that would cause a ‘mass casualty’ event that would provoke the United States into engaging in a foreign war, ‘causing mass bloodshed and terrible harm to the very country he had sworn to protect.’

Order of Nine Angles: Nazi occult group which dreams of creating a ‘Satanic Empire’ through heinous violence

Behind its absurd fantasies of dominating the solar system, lurks a terrifying Nazi-Satanist group which is finding followers across the world.

The Order of Nine Angles, believed to have been founded in the UK in the 1970s, deifies Hitler and the Third Reich.

The Mass of Heresy, which is written in the group’s Black Book of Satan, is spoken before an altar shrouded in a banner of the swastika, with a framed photo of Adolf Hitler and Mein Kampf on top. 

The followers chant: ‘We believe Adolf Hitler was sent by our gods to guide us to greatness. We believe in the inequality of the races and in the right of the Aryans to live according to the laws of the folk.’

Their rituals involve the eating of cannabis cakes, drinking wine, sexual acts performed by a priestess and the sacrifice of animals, according to UK-based pressure group Hope Not Hate

The order’s Black Book is considered so dangerous its three volumes are kept vaulted in a special section of the British Library.

The book asks for the Spring Equinox to celebrated by sacrificing a human being and suggests this could be ‘a Nazarene, such as an interfering investigative journalist.’ 

The group believes that the world is controlled by a Zionist Occupation Government, an anti-Semitic term used by neo-Nazis during the 1980s to describe Jewish control of the state. 

The order aims to subvert society by urging its followers to commit random acts of violence, rapes and to ‘cull’ victims.

There are believed to be ‘Nexions’ (cells) throughout the world amid fears that online trolls are seeking out the most extreme positions possible. 

O9A aims to recruit a ‘certain type of rebellious young person’ who is prepared to take action and incite others to commit violence.

The order seeks to surround itself in mystery and make its aims obscure and terrifying to outsiders.  

Hope Not Hate described it in a 2019 report as ‘unquestionably the world’s most extreme Nazi Satanist group.’


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