The next-door neighbor of the Gilgo Beach serial killer suspect has claimed he heard Rex Heuermann digging in his backyard in the early hours of the morning.

Heuermann has been arrested and charged with the murder of three of the ‘Gilgo Four’, Melissa Barthelemy, Megan Waterman and Amber Costello, whose bodies were found on the Long Island beach in 2010. 

The neighbor’s eerie claim, alongside recollections of a pattern of odd behavior such as burning garbage, comes after police said at least one woman was killed in Heuermann’s Long Island home.

Dominick Cancellieri, who lived next to Heuermann for 15 years told NewsNation  how one night he heard Heuermann digging in his backyard in the early hours of the morning.

‘When I was around 18 or 19 years old I was watching TV in my basement,’ he told the outlet, ‘I went outside at about one or two in the morning and heard digging in the backyard next door. 

Dominick Cancellieri, (pictured) who lived next door to Heuermann for fifteen years claimed he heard him digging in his backyard in the early hours of the morning

Dominick Cancellieri, (pictured) who lived next door to Heuermann for fifteen years claimed he heard him digging in his backyard in the early hours of the morning

Police were seen continuing to trawl through Heuermann's 'dungeon' like property on Thursday

Police were seen continuing to trawl through Heuermann’s ‘dungeon’ like property on Thursday

Investigators continued to turn over the suspect's backyard on Thursday

Investigators continued to turn over the suspect’s backyard on Thursday 

‘Now I really wanted to go and check out what it was and look through the fence but something stopped me from doing it’ he said.

‘I was nervous I wasn’t too sure what I was doing at the time. But now with everything coming to fruition it doesn’t surprise me in the slightest bit’ the neighbor confessed.

Cancellieri also recalled a confrontation over a parking space when Heuermann parked his truck halfway across his driveway.

‘I went out of my car and told him he had to move his car’ and ‘he got a little loud, and I got a little loud back and he ended up moving his car.’

‘Every incident, even the way he looked made me think this guy is a weirdo and with everything that’s come up’ he added ‘this all makes sense to me now.’

The claim comes after police were seen continuing to trawl through Heuermann’s ‘dungeon’ like property and backyard on Thursday.

Investigators in white overalls meticulously sorted through evidence around blue forensic tents on the property.

Describing other incidents of his neighbor’s odd behavior Cancellieri said: ‘He would burn his garbage and I would smell it, and I would always wonder ‘why is this guy burning his garbage again.’

It seemed to be once every few weeks I would smell garbage burning again at his house.’ 

Investigators in white overalls meticulously sorted through evidence around blue pop-up tents on the property

Investigators in white overalls meticulously sorted through evidence around blue pop-up tents on the property

Heuermann has been arrested and charged with the murder of three of the 'Gilgo Four' whose bodies were found on the Long Island beach in 2010

Heuermann has been arrested and charged with the murder of three of the ‘Gilgo Four’ whose bodies were found on the Long Island beach in 2010

The Architect was arrested in New York and  has pleaded not guilty to three charges of first-degree murder and three charges of second-degree murder

The Architect was arrested in New York and  has pleaded not guilty to three charges of first-degree murder and three charges of second-degree murder

Hueermann's cluttered property (pictured) is being turned over by investigators following his arrest for the murder of three of the four women found at Gilgo Beach

Hueermann’s cluttered property (pictured) is being turned over by investigators following his arrest for the murder of three of the four women found at Gilgo Beach 

The first victim, Melissa Barthelemy from New York, 24, was discovered by Suffolk County Police on December 11, 2010

Megan Waterman, 22, from Maine

The first victim, Melissa Barthelemy, 24, was discovered by Suffolk County Police on December 11, 2010. The body of Megan Waterman, 22, was found two days later

Maureen Brainard-Barnes was 25 years old when she went missing

Amber Lynn Costello was 27 years old when she disappeared

Maureen Brainard-Barnes was 25 years old when she went missing (left). Amber Lynn Costello was 27 years old. Their bodies were found near Barthelemy’s the same day

‘I never liked the guy, the only thing I miscalculated about him was I really thought he was not the smartest of people but obviously he was very calculated though.’

Another local who worked in Heuermann’s garden told how Heuermann once told him he would be fired if he ever attempted to come inside his property.

Troy Weeks, 23, lives a few blocks away from Heuermann in Massapequa Park and mowed the suspect’s lawn weekly or bi-weekly until June 2022.

‘He seemed like he didn’t have any emotions or have a personality. He always had the same expression, a blank stare. He was very monotone when I spoke to him,’ Weeks told

‘He [Heuermann] always told me ‘if you are thirsty or need something to drink knock on the back door, never come into the house that is the one rule.

‘He said if you ever try and open my doors then you cannot work for me,’ Weeks continued.

‘I was really surprised by the conditions of his house. One time when I peered in through the back window I saw four heads made out of coconuts with face carvings in them.

‘I thought that was super creepy’ he added, ‘me and my friends called it the shrunken heads house.’

Weeks stopped working for Heuermann in June 2022 after he shortchanged him $5. 

Police were seen searching the property for ‘trophies’ that may be linked to the victims for a seventh day on Thursday

Law enforcement load a pair of skates into a truck from Rex Heuermann's home on Thursday

Law enforcement load a pair of skates into a truck from Rex Heuermann’s home on Thursday

When asked about his former employer’s arrest, Weeks said: ‘I am still trying to process it. I am not surprised. It is scary. I am going to have nightmares.’

Meanwhile another neighbor revealed exclusively to how he once caught the now-murder suspect rambling about ‘the girls.’

Jimmy Mack, who lives a couple of blocks away from Rex Heuermann’s ‘dungeon-like’ home, revealed to his run ins with the suspected murderer.

He claimed he once caught him babbling at the end of his driveway about ‘the girls’ while he was drunk and when he thought no one was listening.

Mack said that when he asked Heuermann what he was doing he blasted him over his car and threatened to slash his tires.

And another neighbor said they found 6ft 4in Heuermann ‘intimidating’ and once walked past him working in his garage and he never even looked up.

Mack, 51, who owns a trucking company and lives with his wife and three step kids, recalled a terrifying encounter with Heuermann outside his Long Island home.

Heuermann was walking home from the LIRR station past Mack’s house on March 2, a regular route for the architect, when a confrontation between the men broke out.

The architect lived in a 'dungeon-like' Massapequa Park home just 18 miles away from Gilgo Beach with his wife Asa Ellerup

The architect lived in a ‘dungeon-like’ Massapequa Park home just 18 miles away from Gilgo Beach with his wife Asa Ellerup

In addition to his cluttered home, Heuermann kept two storage units in Amityville. They were searched yesterday and today

In addition to his cluttered home, Heuermann kept two storage units in Amityville. They were searched yesterday and today 

Mack was smoking a cigarette on his porch at close to 10pm and overheard a man Heuermann talking, he told

‘I’m sitting on my porch and he doesn’t see me but I hear him saying ‘oh here we are again… I told them …I told those girls once already … now you guys are going to understand.’

Mack said Heuermann didn’t realize he was there and seemed startled. He said he appeared intoxicated and continued to babble to himself before standing at the end of his driveway. Mack said to Heuermann, ‘bro are you talking to my house?’

He responded: ‘Are you the a**hole that owns this car?… I warned them last time and now they are going to see,’ he then said aggressively that he would return in 15 minutes to slash his tires.

Mack said he chased Heuermann away from his driveway and told his wife to lock the doors before he followed him down the street on foot asking him, ‘what did you say about the girls … are you talking about my wife and daughter?’

The confrontation escalated and Mack said to Heuermann ‘we either handle our business now or I never f***ing see you again,’ before Heuermann walked off.

Mack then followed his neighbor in his car, recalling that he felt ‘something ain’t right. I need to know where this guy lives.’

Jimmy Mack, who lives a couple of blocks away from Rex Heuermann's 'dungeon-like' home, revealed to his run ins with the suspected murderer

At least one victim of the Gilgo Beach murders was killed at the Long Island, home of suspect Rex Heuermann, police have revealed

Jimmy Mack, (left) who lives a couple of blocks away from Rex Heuermann’s (right) ‘dungeon-like’ home, revealed to his run ins with the suspected murderer

He saw Heuermann jump over his neighbor’s fence and shield his face as he escaped, he recalled, ‘he didn’t want me to see his face.’

Mack said the confrontation and the air of unease he felt, meant he ‘knew something was up for me to get back in my car and follow this guy to his house.’

He remembers telling his friends and family ‘if something happens to this house or anything, it’s this guy.’ He added, ‘that’s how much I knew that there was something wrong with this.’

‘Who knows if he would have came back with a gun,’ Mack asked. ‘He (Heuermann) said fifteen minutes and that’s about how long it would have taken him to get back to my house’

‘I lost five nights of sleep. I was waiting for this guy to come back. I was on my porch every night. Even my wife lost sleep. Everybody was nervous.’

Mack added, ‘I am not trying to sound like a tough guy but when someone threatens my family.’

He also told his neighbors about the confrontation and warned them about where the man lived.

‘I told everyone on the block they need to watch out… my gut was just telling me something was wrong …it was more than a normal confrontation.’

Another neighbor, who lives just round the corner from Heuermann and who wanted to remain anonymous, said ‘he was always tinkering in the garage or outside and he seemed very intimidating.’

On one occasion he walked past and saw Heuermann was building a chair while wearing a leather apron and barely looked up.

The dog was also left out in the backyard barking incessantly at times and disrupting the neighbors, another resident told

Police believe at least one of the Gilgo Beach victims was killed at the Long Island home of the serial killer suspect.

Detectives in South Carolina are now reviewing a near-decade-old missing person case to see whether Heuermann may have been involved, exclusively revealed on Wednesday.

Cops in Rock Hill, just 20 miles from where Heuermann bought a wild 18-acre plot of land confirmed they are looking anew at the case of Aaliyah Bell Hall who went missing in 2014.

A spokesman for Rock Hill Police Department told ‘We have not been contacted by any other agencies. But we are reviewing the case and investigating any potential links or matching timeframes regarding Aaliyah Bell’s disappearance with Rex Heuermann.’

Law enforcement sources also told CBS NEWS detectives are now looking into unsolved murders across the country to see if they are linked to Heuermann, 59. Cops say He was behind the deaths of three sex workers in 2010 who were buried at Giglo Beach. He is the prime suspect in a fourth killing.

Police were seen searching the property for ‘trophies’ that may be linked to the victims for a seventh day on Thursday. Investigators are also looking at his time share in Las Vegas and a property he owned in South Carolina. previously spotted one investigator carrying a note listing some of the evidence found inside, including a rope kept in a vault, and handcuff keys in a shelf underneath a work bench.

Investigators have also been searching two storage units connected to Heuermann and on Wednesday several boxes were spotted outside one. Blue tarp and white tents have been erected outside the unit to close off the scene.

Police have also revealed Heuermann may have ties to Atlantic City in New Jersey, and they have expanded their investigation into a fourth state.

Cops are probing whether he operated in the area, and have been interviewing jailed sex workers who interacted with him.

‘He had reached out to them for sex,’ Sheriff Errol Toulon from the Suffolk County police department told Good Morning America about the prostitutes officials have talked to. ‘They took the calls but did not meet with him.’

The update from law enforcement comes after it was revealed the Gilgo Beach killings have similarities to murders in the area by the ‘Eastbound Strangler,’ who killed four sex workers by strangling them near Atlantic City.


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