An academic has claimed more migrants have been moving to Melbourne because Sydney is considered to be a ‘more white’ city. 

ANU demographer Dr Liz Allen told Daily Mail Australia through the 1990s and into the 2000s ‘politicians in greater Sydney and NSW made decisions that weren’t necessarily thinking strategically with the long-term in mind’.

She pointed out the announcement made by former NSW premier Bob Carr in 2000 after he claimed ‘Sydney was full’. 

‘This kind of unwelcoming rhetoric existed and we saw that at a federal level as well,’ she said. 

Her comment comes after Melbourne dethroned Sydney to become the most populous city in the country on Monday.

ANU demographer Liz Allen says that attitudes preferencing Sydney as being 'more white' sent the latest wave of Australian immigrants to Melbourne

ANU demographer Liz Allen says that attitudes preferencing Sydney as being ‘more white’ sent the latest wave of Australian immigrants to Melbourne

The title was handed over on a technicality after Melbourne widened its western boundary partly due to the increasing number of migrants from India moving to the area. 

Melbourne has become the popular city with more Indian students also choosing to take up a degree in the city.

Dr Allen argued Sydney may have celebrated multiculturalism but hadn’t been practicing it as well as its southern rival. 

‘That translates to Melbourne holding the crown for welcoming more recent migrants to Australia,’ Dr Allen said.

‘Melbourne is viewed as more welcoming. We get the cultural perception of being at the fore of modern Australia, that Melbourne represents contemporary Australia in terms of its celebration of diversity.

Despite a move ‘toward celebrating diversity’ Dr Allen said Australia’s long history of preferring Anglo-Celtic migration could still be seen in popular attitudes. 

‘There is a long-held view I fear that many Australians consider Australia to be a white country but Australia has a black history one we don’t tend to recognise as First Nations Australians were here long before white colonisers were,’ she said.

‘We have a preference in this country to avoid talking about difference, to avoid talking about diversity and that harkens back to a preference for assimilation. What that does is suppress any real recognition of being multicultural.’

She argued that even the data about where people or their parents were born doesn’t capture the changing nature of Australia. 

‘We are far more diverse a country than we tend to popularly give ourselves credit for,’ she said.

‘In Australia we tend to have a higher degree than normal of inter-racial coupling which means we have children born of very rich ethnic backgrounds and identities and we don’t recognise that.

‘We have got to the point where it is safer to not talk about differences through fear of making others uncomfortable.

If we were a truly multicultural in terms of cultural things we would recognise our diversity and celebrate it more earnestly.’

She said Australia needed ‘suitable trained and skilled migrants to help offset the consequences of an aging population’ but in attracting those types of people the nation is in competition with countries such as the US, Britain and Canada.

She thinks the Covid pandemic period, where Australia shut its borders and ordered those on short stay visas out of the country, did much harm to the nation’s reputation of being migrant friendly.

‘Australia did itself an enormous disservice, we had our prime minister use the words ‘go home’ where ‘home” for many years was Australia for the intended recipients of this message,’ she argued. 

Sydney gave the impression of wanting to be 'more white' at the turn of the century, Dr Aleen argues (pictured stock image of Sydney's Bondi beach)

Sydney gave the impression of wanting to be ‘more white’ at the turn of the century, Dr Aleen argues (pictured stock image of Sydney’s Bondi beach)

Melbourne came to the fore of being the more welcoming and diverse city, Dr Allen argues (pictured people crossing Bourke St in Melbourne's CBD)

Melbourne came to the fore of being the more welcoming and diverse city, Dr Allen argues (pictured people crossing Bourke St in Melbourne’s CBD)

She said the increased hostility to migrants during this period, which saw those on temporary visas locked out work by Covid measures without access to Medicate or other government supports was noted globally. 

‘Those people were relegated to the trash heap, we forced people in these situations to rely on the kindness of strangers,’ Dr Allen said.

‘Those stories are communicated to friends and family. People realised Australia might not be the safe country we like to tell people we are.

‘We have suffered enormous damage to brand Australia and now we need to move past that with over actions as well as policies.’

Dr Allen believes debate on immigration goes in cycles and although large amounts of skilled migration have had bi-partisan support for many years the temptation is there for politicians to divide the population by talking about ‘us’ and ‘them’.

Despite concerns Australia is taking in a record number of migrants, with over 650,000 being brought in over two years, Dr Allen said this failed to recognise the net population increase would be small.

This is because those on temporary visas cut short their stays during Covid.

The Covid period of closed borders, where home prices shot skywards and unemployment went up as businesses closed, also showed migrants did not take jobs or drive up housing costs, Dr Allen said. 

She argued migrants contributed far more economically and culturally than they ‘took’ and were needed to be the workforce for more schools, hospitals, shops and other services Australians wanted. 


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