Representative Jamie Raskin mocked Donald Trump for not taking responsibility for January 6 and said there is ‘no evidence’ Antifa was behind it. 

The Maryland Democrat, 60, said the January 6 riot wasn’t an ‘Agatha Christie novel,’ and instead there was no mystery over who caused the Capitol clashes. 

‘This is not an Agatha Christie novel. We know exactly whodunit,’ the politician said on MSNBC’s 11th Hour. ‘And if somebody has got a theory as to why it was really Antifa that did it, then bring the evidence forward, but our bipartisan committee found no evidence of involvement by Antifa.’ 

The committee also said they thought the former president could be charged with three crimes, including insurrection, but Trump has denied any responsibility for the riot that began to overturn the election results. 

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Representative Jamie Raskin, 60, a Maryland Democrat, (pictured) compared Donald Trump's denial of responsibility for January 6 to an Agatha Christie detective novel, saying: 'We know exactly whodunit'

Representative Jamie Raskin, 60, a Maryland Democrat, (pictured) compared Donald Trump’s denial of responsibility for January 6 to an Agatha Christie detective novel, saying: ‘We know exactly whodunit’ 

Trump, 76, claimed if the DC Mayor and Nancy Pelosi had 'listened to him,' Americans 'wouldn't have heard about January 6'

Trump, 76, claimed if the DC Mayor and Nancy Pelosi had ‘listened to him,’ Americans ‘wouldn’t have heard about January 6’  

‘If they had listened to me, none of this would have happened, and you wouldn’t have heard about January 6,’ Trump. 76. ranted in a five-minute video he posted on his platform Truth Social, where he called the 845-page report a ‘monstrous lie.’ 

Raskin had other thoughts, telling MSNBC: ‘I think that there needs to be a serious reckoning of individual accountability for the people who set all of these events into motion. 

‘Is there anybody in the count who believes that any of this would’ve happened absent Donald Trump’s will?’ 

The father-of-three went on to say why he thought Trump was responsible for the riot, including getting the protest date changed from January 21 to January 6 and for trying to force legislators to find him fake votes, which a Georgia grand jury is currently probing

The father-of-three went on to say why he thought Trump was responsible for the riot, including getting the protest (pictured) date changed from January 21 to January 6 and for trying to force legislators to find him fake votes

The father-of-three went on to say why he thought Trump was responsible for the riot, including getting the protest (pictured) date changed from January 21 to January 6 and for trying to force legislators to find him fake votes

‘He was the one who spread the big lie,’ Raskin said on the show. ‘He was the one that galvanized the extreme right in the country to focus on the peaceful transfer of power as the target of their wrath and violence.

‘He was the one who tried to stage a mini-coup at the Department of Justice and just get the DOJ to declare the election was corrupt and leave the rest to his Republican friends in the House.

‘And finally, he was the one who decided to focus everybody’s attention on Mike Pence, and then ultimately to say in the middle of the riot, he didn’t have the courage to do what needed to be done, further inciting and exhorting the crowd which was already chanting: “Hang Mike Pence.”‘

He claimed Trump was the ‘central instigator of the whole thing.’ 

‘It is just impossible to think of this happening without Donald Trump being the central instigator,’ he told MSNBC. 

Agatha Christie (pictured) is known for her detective novels

Agatha Christie (pictured) is known for her detective novels 

Trump called the 845-page document a 'monstrous lie' and deflected responsibility for the riot away from himself

Trump called the 845-page document a ‘monstrous lie’ and deflected responsibility for the riot away from himself 

He also said he hasn’t heard from all his fellow Republicans since the report came out, but for those he had spoken to, he said he told them they needed to ‘vote to convict.’ 

‘The facts and the law compelled it, because the Constitution required it, and because the country needed it,’ he said he told Republican lawmakers. 

‘But if nothing else they have to do it to save their own party, because Donald Trump would come to destroy the party. And we are seeing that unfold right now, because Donald Trump has been exposed to the world as the person who orchestrated all of these events to try to topple our constitutional order and seize the presidency.’ 

However, on Friday, Trump took a different approach, saying the January 6 committee report was fabricated by ‘sick people’ including Pelosi. 

‘The unselect committee did not produce a single shred of evidence that I, in anyway, intended or wanted violence at our capitol,’ Trump said. ‘The evidence does not exist because the claim is baseless and a monstrous lie. 

‘There was no insurrection and there was not going to be an insurrection. It was made up by these sick people,’ Trump stated adding how the House Speaker and the Washington DC mayor refused to honor Trump’s request for up to 20,000 National Guard troops to be posted on the streets around the Capitol.

Trump went on to downplay the events of that day and addressed some of the conspiracy theories that have emerged in the time since including how the doors to the Capitol were ‘flung open for people to walk in’ and that ‘federal informants’ played a role in the violence.

‘The events of January 6th were not an insurrection,’ Trump insisted. ‘They were a protest that got tragically out of control and which the left has been weaponizing ever since.

‘The committee cut the part of my speech out where I encouraged protestors to make their voices heard peacefully and patriotically, but nobody ever says that,’ Trump bemoaned. 

During the video, Trump defended his actions of January 6, 2021, arguing against the select committee’s conclusion that he did not respond to the riot for 187 minutes. 

'I think that there needs to be a serious reckoning of individual accountability for the people who set all of these events into motion. Is there anybody in the count who believes that any of this would’ve happened absent Donald Trump’s will?' Raskin said of the riot (pictured)

‘I think that there needs to be a serious reckoning of individual accountability for the people who set all of these events into motion. Is there anybody in the count who believes that any of this would’ve happened absent Donald Trump’s will?’ Raskin said of the riot (pictured) 

Trump argued that he issued two tweets urging ‘peace and respect’ within 25 minutes of the Capitol being breached together with a follow-up statement half an hour later.

‘I told protestors to go home with peace and respect,’ Trump insisted.

But the report details how ‘neither of these tweets had any appreciable impact on the violent rioters.’

‘Neither the 2:38pm nor the 3:13pm tweets made any difference,’ the report found.

Trump also repeated his claim that he had ‘urged the deployment of 10,000 to 20,000 National Guard troops’ before the riot ‘to keep the event safe.’

Such a claim has been directly refuted by the committee in the executive report.


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