Is Arm Lift Better Than Arm Liposuction: Which Procedure Is Best For Me?

A noticeable, enlarged, or drooping upper arm can stem from an excess of loose skin, surplus fat, or a combination of both factors. Addressing surplus fat can be effectively achieved through Arm Liposuction, while dealing with excess arm skin often requires a surgical intervention like an arm lift or arm reduction surgery.

In certain instances, an abnormal accumulation of fat can lead to an irregular contour in the upper arm that resists conventional weight loss methods. This persistently stubborn fat can result in an arm appearance that is disproportionately bulky compared to the rest of the body. Arm liposuction might be a viable solution for a specific demographic, particularly younger patients with more elastic skin. However, for individuals with sagging, excessively lax, or stretched skin, opting for arm liposuction or a ‘No Scar’ Arm Lift is generally not advisable. Removing the fat in such cases could exacerbate the issue, causing further sagging of the skin.

Is Arm Lift Better Than Arm Liposuction: Which Procedure Is Best For Me?
Is Arm Lift Better Than Arm Liposuction: Which Procedure Is Best For Me?

Excessive loose skin commonly follows weight loss and may persist despite attempts at resolution. This can lead to sagging in the arm area, commonly referred to as the undesirable “bingo wings” appearance. Arm lift surgery proves beneficial in these scenarios by removing excess skin, thereby enhancing the overall aesthetic of the arm. It’s crucial to acknowledge that this procedure does leave a scar on the underside of the arm, a consideration that may be significant for some patients. So read on to learn more about Arm Lift and Than Arm Liposuction plastic surgery procedures.

Is Arm Lift Better Than Arm Liposuction: Which Procedure Is Best For Me?

Whether an arm lift or arm liposuction is better for you depends on your individual needs and goals. Here is a table summarizing the key differences between the two procedures:

Feature Arm Lift Arm Liposuction
Target Excess skin and loose tissue Excess fat
Procedure Surgical removal of excess skin and tightening of remaining tissue Surgical removal of excess fat through a cannula
Results Smoother, tighter skin with a more contoured appearance Reduced fat deposits and a slimmer appearance
Recovery time Longer, typically 2-4 weeks Shorter, typically 1-2 weeks
Scarring Larger scar, typically from the armpit to the elbow Smaller scar, typically hidden in the armpit
Cost More expensive Less expensive

If you have both excess skin and fat, you may be a good candidate for a combination of arm lift and arm liposuction. This is a common procedure that can achieve dramatic results.

Here is a more detailed breakdown of each procedure:

Arm lift

An arm lift, also known as brachioplasty, is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and tightens the remaining tissue in the upper arms. The procedure is usually performed under general anesthesia. The surgeon will make an incision on the inside of the upper arm, extending from the armpit to the elbow. The excess skin will then be removed, and the remaining skin will be tightened and reshaped. The incision will be closed with sutures or staples.

Benefits of an Arm Lift:

  • Effectively removes excess skin and tightens loose tissue
  • Contours the upper arms for a more toned and sculpted appearance
  • Improves self-confidence and body image

Considerations for an Arm Lift:

  • Requires general anesthesia
  • Leaves visible scars along the inner arm
  • Recovery time is longer than liposuction

Arm liposuction

Arm liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes excess fat from the upper arms. The procedure is usually performed under local anesthesia. The surgeon will make small incisions in the upper arms and insert a cannula, which is a thin tube. The cannula will be connected to a suction device, which will remove the excess fat. The incisions will be closed with sutures or staples.

Benefits of Arm Liposuction:

  • Minimally invasive procedure requiring local anesthesia
  • Leaves small, inconspicuous scars
  • Recovery time is shorter than an arm lift

Considerations for Arm Liposuction:

  • Primarily addresses fat removal, not skin laxity
  • May not be suitable for individuals with significant excess skin
  • Results may not be as dramatic as an arm lift


Both arm lift and arm liposuction are outpatient procedures, which means you can go home the same day as the surgery. However, you will need to take some time off from work and other activities to recover. The amount of recovery time will vary depending on the extent of the procedure.


Both arm lift and arm liposuction will leave scars. However, the scars from an arm lift are typically larger and more visible than the scars from arm liposuction. The scars from an arm lift are usually located on the inside of the upper arm, where they are less visible. The scars from arm liposuction are typically very small and can be easily hidden under clothing.


Both arm lift and arm liposuction can achieve dramatic results. The results of an arm lift are typically more noticeable than the results of arm liposuction. This is because an arm lift removes excess skin, which can make the arms look much slimmer and more toned.

Combining Arm Lift and Liposuction

In some cases, a combination of arm lift and liposuction may be the most effective approach to achieve optimal results. This combination can address both excess fat and loose skin, resulting in a more comprehensive arm contouring procedure.

Factors Contributing to the Development of Saggy Upper Arms

The upper arm, which spans from the shoulder to the elbow, houses the primary arm muscles – the biceps and triceps. These muscles significantly influence the overall appearance of the upper arms. Additionally, soft tissues such as fat and skin play a crucial role in determining the cosmetic look of the arm, with factors like diet, genetics, and weight fluctuations having a significant impact.

Several factors can contribute to the development of saggy upper arms, including:

  • Aging: As we age, our skin gradually loses elasticity, and collagen production decreases, leading to a loss of firmness and suppleness. This natural process can cause the skin on the upper arms to become saggy and loose over time.
  • Weight fluctuations: Rapid weight gain and subsequent weight loss can cause the skin to stretch, resulting in excess loose skin that may not retract to its original state. This can lead to sagging upper arms, particularly if the weight loss is significant or rapid.
  • Genetic predisposition: Some individuals may be genetically predisposed to developing saggy upper arms due to factors such as skin elasticity, fat distribution, and muscle tone.
  • Decreased muscle tone: The mass and tone of the biceps and triceps muscles significantly impact the appearance of the upper arms. A lack of regular exercise or muscle-building activities can result in reduced muscle tone, which can contribute to the development of saggy upper arms.
  • Gravity: Over time, the constant force of gravity can cause the skin and underlying tissues to lose their natural resilience, leading to sagging and drooping of the upper arms.

Targeted exercises and a low-calorie diet can indeed contribute to slimmer and more toned arms. However, these methods alone may not address certain issues, such as excessive sagging skin or stubborn pockets of fat in the upper arms. In such cases, cosmetic procedures like arm lift surgery or liposuction can be beneficial.

Understanding Arm Lift Surgery: Brachioplasty for Reshaping and Contouring Upper Arms

An arm lift, or brachioplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to reshape the upper arm by removing excess skin and fat from the area between the armpit and elbow. This procedure can be an ideal solution for those who have experienced significant weight loss, resulting in skin that has not contracted to fit the reduced size of their arms.

You may be a suitable candidate for an upper arm lift if you:

  • Have undergone substantial weight loss, leaving you with loose skin that has not contracted to fit your smaller arms
  • Lack upper arm definition
  • Have lost considerable muscle tone and skin elasticity
  • Possess stubborn fat and sagging skin beneath your upper arms

A brachioplasty performed by skilled surgeons can effectively remove unwanted fat and surplus skin from the armpit to the elbow while tightening any remaining loose upper arm skin.

The steps involved in an upper arm lift surgery include:

  1. The surgeon carefully creates an incision within the armpit, extending it into the inner arm area.
  2. Excess skin and fat are meticulously removed.
  3. Liposuction may be employed to extract additional stubborn fat deposits.
  4. The remaining skin is pulled taut to conform to the new, slimmer arm contour.
  5. The surgeon utilises atraumatic suturing techniques to close the incisions, minimising scarring and promoting healing.

Arm lift surgery typically takes around 2-3 hours, depending on the volume of excess skin and tissues requiring removal. If you are seeking a cosmetic procedure that slims, sculpts, and tones your upper arms, brachioplasty may be the ideal solution for you.

Consulting a Plastic Surgeon

The best way to determine which procedure is right for you is to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon. They will assess your individual needs, discuss your expectations, and recommend the most suitable treatment plan. During the consultation, don’t hesitate to ask questions and clarify any concerns you may have.

Here are some additional factors to consider when making your decision:

  • Your budget
  • Your risk tolerance
  • Your desired recovery time
  • Your expectations

Determining the Ideal Upper Arm Treatment: Arm Lift, Arm Liposuction, or a Combined Approach?

When considering options to enhance the appearance of your upper arms, deciding between an arm lift, arm liposuction, or both can be challenging. The most suitable choice depends on the specific cosmetic concerns affecting your upper arms.

  1. Arm Lift: If you have both sagging skin and excess fat in your upper arms, an arm lift (brachioplasty) is likely the best option. Unlike liposuction, this procedure can tighten your upper arm skin while removing extra fat and loose skin.
  2. Arm Liposuction: If you have excess fat deposits in your upper arms but your skin remains firm and elastic, liposuction might be more appropriate. This procedure can effectively remove unwanted fat while being less invasive and leaving minimal scarring compared to an arm lift. However, for patients with less elastic skin, liposuction alone may result in residual loose skin under the arms.
  3. Combined Approach: In some cases, surgeons may recommend combining arm lift surgery with liposuction to optimize fat removal and achieve the best possible results. This approach enables the surgeon to address both excess fat and loose skin, ensuring a more comprehensive transformation of the upper arms.

Arm Reduction FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions

Is there surgery for flabby arms?

Yes, there are surgical options for flabby arms. Depending on the underlying issue, arm lift surgery (brachioplasty) or arm liposuction may be recommended. An arm lift is suitable for removing excess skin and tightening the remaining tissue, while arm liposuction is used for removing stubborn fat deposits.

Is liposuction effective for treating flabby arms?

Liposuction can be effective for treating flabby arms caused by excess fat deposits. However, if the flabbiness is primarily due to loose or sagging skin, an arm lift surgery might be a more appropriate solution.

What is the most effective treatment for sagging arms?

The most effective treatment for sagging arms is typically an arm lift surgery (Brachioplasty), which removes excess skin and tightens the remaining tissue, resulting in a more toned and youthful appearance.

What is arm liposuction?

Arm liposuction is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that targets and removes localized fat deposits in the upper arms. This procedure is ideal for individuals who have excess fat in their arms but retain firm, elastic skin. Arm liposuction helps create a more contoured and toned appearance.

Can arm liposuction also result in skin tightening?

Arm liposuction primarily targets fat removal and may result in minimal skin tightening if the patient has good skin elasticity. However, it is not specifically designed to tighten skin. If significant skin tightening is needed, an arm lift surgery would be a more suitable option.

What is a mini arm lift?

mini arm lift, also known as a limited incision brachioplasty, is a less invasive version of the traditional arm lift surgery. This procedure is best suited for individuals with mild to moderate excess skin in the upper arms. It involves smaller incisions, typically hidden within the armpit, and results in less scarring and a faster recovery time compared to a full arm lift.

How do arm lift and arm liposuction procedures differ?

Arm lift surgery, or brachioplasty, is a procedure that removes excess skin and tightens the remaining tissue to create a more toned appearance. It is ideal for individuals with sagging or loose skin in the upper arms. In contrast, arm liposuction focuses on removing stubborn fat deposits in the upper arms, making it suitable for those with excess fat but firm, elastic skin.

Comparing arm lift and liposuction: Which one is more suitable?

The choice between arm lift and liposuction depends on the specific issues affecting your upper arms. If you have sagging skin, an arm lift may be more appropriate. If you have excess fat deposits but firm, elastic skin, liposuction could be the better choice. In some cases, a combination of both procedures may be recommended for optimal results.

What is the most effective treatment for sagging arms?

The most effective treatment for sagging arms is typically an arm lift surgery (Brachioplasty), which removes excess skin and tightens the remaining tissue, resulting in a more toned and youthful appearance.

Does the NHS cover arm lift or arm liposuction?

The NHS usually does not cover arm lift or arm liposuction procedures, as these are considered cosmetic surgeries. In rare cases, if there is a medical need for the surgery (e.g., severe skin irritation or infection caused by excess skin), the NHS may cover the procedure. However, most patients seeking arm lifts or liposuction will need to pursue treatment through private clinics.

How long does swelling last following a brachioplasty surgery?

Swelling following Brachioplasty (arm lift surgery) is normal and typically begins to subside within a few days to a week. However, it may take several weeks to a few months for the swelling to completely resolve. Wearing a compression garment, as advised by your surgeon, can help minimize swelling and promote healing.

Does arm lift surgery leave a scar?

Arm lift surgery does leave a scar, as the procedure involves making incisions to remove excess skin and tighten the remaining tissue. However, an experienced surgeon will make every effort to place the incisions in less visible areas, such as the inner arm or along the natural crease of the arm. Scarring can vary based on individual healing factors, and proper wound care and scar management techniques can help minimize the appearance of scars over time.

Is it possible to combine an arm lift with other surgical procedures?

Yes, an arm lift can be combined with other procedures, such as liposuction, to achieve optimal results. This combined approach allows surgeons to address both excess fat and loose skin, ensuring a more comprehensive transformation of the upper arms. Other procedures, like a tummy tuck or body lift, can also be combined with an arm lift, depending on the patient’s needs and desired outcomes.

About the Centre for Surgery in London

At the Centre for Surgery, we take pride in being a leading clinic for arm lift and arm liposuction procedures. Our team of highly skilled and experienced surgeons is dedicated to providing personalized, compassionate care and delivering exceptional results for our patients. We understand the importance of feeling confident in your appearance, and we are committed to helping you achieve your desired outcomes for your upper arms.

Why Choose Centre for Surgery for Arm Lift and Arm Liposuction?

  1. Expert Surgeons: Our surgeons are GMC registered and have extensive experience in performing arm lift and arm liposuction procedures. Their expertise ensures that you receive the highest standard of care and achieve the best possible results.
  2. State-of-the-art Facilities: Our Baker Street clinic is equipped with cutting-edge technology and advanced surgical techniques, ensuring that your procedure is performed safely and effectively.
  3. Comprehensive Consultation: We take the time to understand your unique needs and aesthetic goals, offering personalised recommendations for the most suitable treatment options for your situation.
  4. Patient-Centric Care: Our priority is your well-being and satisfaction. We strive to create a comfortable, supportive environment throughout your entire treatment journey, from the initial consultation to post-operative care and follow-up appointments.
  5. Exceptional Results: We are committed to delivering outstanding outcomes for our patients, using a combination of surgical skills, artistic vision, and meticulous attention to detail.
  6. Safety and Comfort: At the Centre for Surgery, we prioritize patient safety and comfort during every step of your arm lift or arm liposuction procedure. Our anesthetists and specialist plastic surgeons work diligently to ensure that your experience is as smooth and pain-free as possible.
  7. Postoperative Care and Support: We provide comprehensive post-operative care and support to ensure a smooth recovery and optimal results. Our team is always available to address any questions or concerns you may have throughout the healing process.
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