Militant Just Stop Oil activists have circulated a sinister manual to help protesters track down and occupy politicians’ homes.

In a disturbing new tactic, it recommends studying photos of MPs clapping for carers during Covid for clues to their addresses.

Last week Ministers urged police to take robust action against eco-zealots after The Mail on Sunday revealed they are plotting to target politicians’ offices and homes ahead of the General Election.

Now, amid widespread concern over the growing threat of political violence, details of the intimidation campaign have been uncovered by this newspaper.

‘If your climate criminal was a politician there’s a good chance they posted a photo of themselves clapping in front of their house,’ says the manual. ‘Try a Google search or trawling through their social media during that period.’

Just Stop Oil (JSO) outlines how targeting MPs might involve breaking windows, throwing paint, occupying the property with a banner or placard, letting off stink bombs and deflating car tyres. Pictured, Phoebe Plummer from the eco group being arrested

Just Stop Oil (JSO) outlines how targeting MPs might involve breaking windows, throwing paint, occupying the property with a banner or placard, letting off stink bombs and deflating car tyres. Pictured, Phoebe Plummer from the eco group being arrested

In a disturbing new tactic, JSO recommeIn a disturbing new tactic, JSO recommends studying photos of MPs clapping for carers during. Pictured, Keir Starmer and his wife Victoria clapping for carers during lockdown

In a disturbing new tactic, JSO recommeIn a disturbing new tactic, JSO recommends studying photos of MPs clapping for carers during. Pictured, Keir Starmer and his wife Victoria clapping for carers during lockdown

The Mail On Sunday reported last week plans from JSO to 'occupy' MPs' homes

The Mail On Sunday reported last week plans from JSO to ‘occupy’ MPs’ homes

It is unclear whether the activists intend to get inside MPs’ houses or instead lay siege to them. 

Worryingly, the manual says that obtaining personal details of politicians’ partners and children can also help identify family homes.

In it, Just Stop Oil (JSO) outlines how targeting MPs might involve breaking windows, throwing paint, occupying the property with a banner or placard, letting off stink bombs and deflating car tyres.

The campaign, striking at the heart of the democratic process, will intensify fears for the safety of MPs, who face violent threats and social media attacks. 

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Tory politician Mike Freer stood down after death threats culminated in a suspected arson attack on his office.

In another incident, an ‘aggressive’ 100-strong mob of pro-Palestinian protesters targeted Tobias Ellwood’s Dorset family home, branding him a ‘war criminal’.

At a meeting last week, JSO warned that ‘every single constituency could be hit’ to give the politicians a metaphorical ‘bloody nose’.

And Phoebe Plummer, the privately educated poster girl of Just Stop Oil, promised their actions would be ‘arrestable and spicy’.

In what the group described as a ‘total departure’ from previous operations, they also plan to target politicians’ offices and disrupt speeches and party conferences.

Pictured: A Just Stop Oil protester throwing orange powder at the 2023 Cazoo World Championships in April last year

Pictured: A Just Stop Oil protester throwing orange powder at the 2023 Cazoo World Championships in April last year

Just Stop Oil protesters blocking traffic on Parliament Square in October 2022

Just Stop Oil protesters blocking traffic on Parliament Square in October 2022

The posh background of Just Stop Oil’s poster girl

Pink-haired Just Stop Oil activist Phoebe Plummer is just 22 but has been arrested for a string of disturbances.

She grew up in privilege, raised in a £4 million family home near the King’s Road in Chelsea, and privately educated at £45,000-a year St Mary’s School in Ascot then £34,000-a-year Mander Portman Woodward College in Kensington.

The top-class education helped her secure straight A* grades in chemistry, computer science and maths A-levels, winning a spot on a Manchester University computer science course. But she ended up reading social anthropology at SOAS University Of London.

The Mail on Sunday can reveal that she was last registered as living in a large house in Clapham, South London, owned by the Church of England as a private home for a priest and their family. It’s unclear why Plummer was living there.

The Just Stop Oil action is being partly orchestrated by Phoebe Plummer (pictured)

The Just Stop Oil action is being partly orchestrated by Phoebe Plummer (pictured)

In manuals sent to all activists, JSO urges them to ‘find an MP near you’. They include a ‘beginner’s guide to finding locations’ and says: ‘So you’ve found a climate criminal, you don’t understand how they sleep at night so you want to go have a look for yourself. 

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‘This means you need their address. Luckily for you, privacy is a thing of the past and there’s a good chance their address is in the public domain.’ 

It advises searching online using a VPN – a virtual private network – which protects the activists’ online identity.

Despite JSO public pronouncements to the contrary, the manual specifically states that a politician’s house or car is a suitable location to ‘take action’ such as ‘building occupation with a placard/banner’.

Other actions it recommends include stink bombs and paint attacks. 

But the manual emphasises that these are just initial ideas and advises protesters to ‘be creative and plan to escalate actions’. 

It also encourages deflating car tyres and provides links to a guide from another militant eco group that recommends activists doing this should work ‘under cover of darkness’ and ‘split into pairs to avoid conspicuously large groups’.

Ironically for an eco group, it says ‘hybrids and electric cars are fair game’. This, it says, is because of the pollution caused by tyres and brake pads.

Another JSO guide circulated to ‘armchair activists’ urges them to bombard MPs with calls, boasting the ringing will ‘clog their systems’. 

It includes a list of parliamentary and constituency office numbers of the Shadow Cabinet.

At a meeting called after last week’s MoS exposé, a JSO activist called Sarah promised they would ‘remain radical’, adding: ‘It’s an act of direct action. 

We give the politicians a bloody nose – sorry, sorry that’s not exactly non-violent – metaphorically.’

Last week, Home Secretary James Cleverly said politicians should ‘only fear the ballot box’ as he condemned demonstrators who target MPs’ homes.

The Government’s political violence tsar, Lord Walney, has called for new police powers to disperse protests in some locations.

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