Christian Brueckner filmed himself dancing around a young girl who he had been tied up before forcing her to perform a sex act that made her vomit, his former friend has told a rape trial in Germany.

Brueckner, the chief suspect in the Madeleine McCann case, is currently on trial for three rapes and two sexual assaults said to have been carried out on Portugal’s Algarve coast over a period from 2000 to 2017. 

Bar owner Manfred Seyferth, 68, is giving evidence for the prosecution, and told the court that a video camera he and another man stole from Brueckner contained footage of him abusing an elderly woman and a girl.

Seyferth described how the girl was forced to perform a sex act by Brueckner and said that he remembered him telling her: ‘You just puked on my carpet.’ Seyferth, a former partner in crime of Brueckner’s, added: ‘That statement will stay with me forever.’

He also told the court that he found Brueckner ‘arrogant’ and then went on to describe how he had broken into the 47-year-old’s villa and found the video camera and a pistol.

Madeleine McCann suspect Christian Brueckner has arrived in court for his ongoing sex trial

Madeleine McCann suspect Christian Brueckner has arrived in court for his ongoing sex trial 

Bar owner Manfred Seyferth, 68, is giving evidence for the prosecution

Bar owner Manfred Seyferth, 68, is giving evidence for the prosecution 

The attacks took place just minutes from where then three-year-old Madeleine vanished in May 2007

The attacks took place just minutes from where then three-year-old Madeleine vanished in May 2007

Seyferth said he had told Busching to get rid of the tapes on the camera as he didn’t want anything to do with them. He then said they had lost contact.

But his version fell apart after he later admitted to the judge that he had spoken to Busching on the phone on Thursday morning.

The judge ordered Seyferth’s mobile to be confiscated and it later emerged that he had spoken with him twice just before giving evidence and again two further times.

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Seyferth said of the day they found the videos: ‘It was a bit chaotic in there and Helge found the camera and we took it. Then we drove away from the house.

‘Helge watched the video and said there was a woman and girl on the tape and they were being abused.’

When asked to describe what else was on the video he said: ‘There was an old woman on a table.

‘She was in her 60s and she was being hit on her breast by something, it looked like a ruler.

‘There was also a young girl as well,’ he added.

Seyferth said the man in the video was masked but he told the court he recognised the voice as Brueckner’s.

In 2019 Seyferth and his friend Helge Busching, 50, helped jail Brueckner for seven years for a separate rape when they described footage which showed him assaulting an elderly woman at her Algarve home in 2005.

As Seyferth gave his evidence at today’s trial, which is being held in Braunschweig,  Brueckner showed no emotion and stared straight ahead at the judge and prosecutor, occasionally whispering to his lawyer.

The attacks Brueckner is accused of carrying out took place just minutes from where Madeleine vanished in Praia da Luz, where she was staying with parents Kate and Gerry and her siblings in May 2007.

Madeleine has not been seen since and in June 2020 German police sensationally named Brueckner as the man responsible for her ‘abduction and murder’ but he has yet to be charged with anything relating to her disappearance.

Brueckner arrived at court today in a van with a police escort and was swept inside for the start of the hearing and escorted into the courtroom flanked by guards and wearing handcuffs.

Seyferth lived in a caravan next to Christian’s house a few minutes drive from Praia da Luz.

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Petty crook Seyferth and Busching also said during the 2019 case that they had seen footage of a young teenage girl being attacked and recognised the perpetrator as Brueckner.

Brueckner arrived in a van with a police escort and was swept inside for the start of the hearing

Brueckner arrived in a van with a police escort and was swept inside for the start of the hearing

Talking of that time, he admitted: ‘I stole some diesel and some solar panels.

‘I’m a thief but I don’t do anything else — not like Christian who is sick.’

Seyferth also revealed he and Busching had found a gun in Brueckner’s apartment but had panicked and thrown it into a nearby reservoir.

He added: ‘After Maddie disappeared, I didn’t see him (Brueckner) for a few months until a hippy festival in Orgiva (Spain) a year later.

Seyferth said he knew that Brueckner was robbing holidaymakers in the Portuguese resort that year.

In 2019 Seyferth and his pal Helge Busching, 50, helped jail Brueckner for seven years. Seyfruth is pictures with police today

In 2019 Seyferth and his pal Helge Busching, 50, helped jail Brueckner for seven years. Seyfruth is pictures with police today

At the 2019 trial in Braunschweig – the same venue as his current hearing – the court heard from Seyferth and Busching and their testimony was pivotal in nailing him.

They described how they had found a horrific video in Brueckner’s Portuguese home that showed him torturing and then raping the elderly American woman.

Other footage was said to show a young teenage girl tied to a wooden post as she begged for help while he sexually abused her.

Madeleine McCann (pictured) went missing on May 3, 2007 at the age of just three. She has never been found. German criminal Christian Brueckner has been named by German prosecutors as their chief suspect in her disappearance

Madeleine McCann (pictured) went missing on May 3, 2007 at the age of just three. She has never been found. German criminal Christian Brueckner has been named by German prosecutors as their chief suspect in her disappearance

Madeleine McCann (pictured) went missing on May 3, 2007 at the age of just three. She has never been found. Christian Brueckner has been named by German prosecutors as their chief suspect in her disappearance 

Seyferth said: ‘He is evil because of the things I saw on the video with the old woman and the girl.

‘It wasn’t a young girl like Madeleine, she was older, maybe 15 years old and that was the usual age of his girlfriends.’

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Talking about how he testified against Brueckner at the rape trial, Seyferth said: ‘When I saw him in court, he made me shiver. He has a cold hard face and evil eyes.’

Last week the current trial heard how Irish tour rep Hazel Behan, who has waived her anonymity, feared she would be ‘beheaded’ by Brueckner after he attacked and raped her.

He is also accused of raping two other women including an unidentified 70–80-year-old and a 14-year-old.

Further charges also include indecent assault against a 10-year-old German girl and a 11-year-old Portuguese girl.

All the charges are said to have taken place between 2000 and 2017 and on Portugal’s Algarve coast.

Christian Brueckner was named chief suspect in Madeleine's disappearance in 2020

Christian Brueckner was named chief suspect in Madeleine’s disappearance in 2020

The case is not directly related to Madeleine and Brueckner denies any involvement in her disappearance and his lawyer Friedrich Fulscher has also said he is not connected to the current trial.

In his opening remarks Mr Fulscher said Seyferth and Busching were ‘unreliable’ due to known drug and alcohol issues.

Mr Fulscher also claimed police had bugged conversations Brueckner had held with his legal team in order to see if he would incriminate himself on Madeleine and the other cases.

He added as a result of the link with Madeleine his client had been under ‘worldwide media fire’ but as yet ‘no charges had been brought’ and no ‘files provided’.

Mr Fulscher said:’ The greatest challenge for the court in these proceedings will be to free itself from these ulterior motives when investigating the procedural truth and assessing the evidence with regard to the accusations levelled.’

The trial continues.

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