Top 16 Deadliest Rivers In The World

Find out “Top 16 Deadliest Rivers In The World” There’s something about rivers that just make them so alluring. Maybe it’s because they offer a sense of adventure, or maybe it’s because they’re just so darn pretty to look at. Whatever the reason, people love spending time near rivers. But not all rivers are created equal. In fact, some rivers are downright dangerous. From swift currents to hidden obstacles, these 16 rivers are sure to give you a thrill – but not in a good way. So if you’re looking for a little bit of danger in your life, read on to learn about the Top 16 Deadliest Rivers In The World.

Top 16 Deadliest Rivers In The World

The Nile River

The Nile River is one of the most dangerous rivers in the world. Every year, thousands of people drown in the Nile River. The majority of these drowning deaths are caused by strong currents and large waves.

The Nile River is also one of the most polluted rivers in the world. Industrial and agricultural waste have made the river water toxic. This has led to an increase in water-borne diseases, such as cholera and dysentery.

If you are planning to visit Egypt, it is important to be aware of the dangers posed by the Nile River. You should avoid swimming or wading in the river, and drink only bottled or boiled water.

The Amazon River

The Amazon River is the largest river in the world by discharge volume of water. It is located in South America and its basin covers an area of 7,050,000 square kilometers. The average depth of the Amazon River is about 3,937 meters.

The Amazon River has been a source of food and transportation for indigenous peoples since prehistoric times. The river is also home to a variety of animals, including fish, reptiles, mammals, and amphibians.

The Amazon River is one of the most dangerous rivers in the world due to its strong currents and large number of piranhas. There have been many reports of people being attacked and killed by piranhas while swimming in the river.

The Yangtze River

The Yangtze River is the longest river in Asia and the third-longest river in the world. It is also one of the most dangerous rivers in the world. Every year, hundreds of people die in floods and landslides caused by the river. In 1998, a flood on the Yangtze River killed more than 4,000 people and left 14 million people homeless.

The Mississippi River

The Mississippi River is the largest river in the United States and one of the world’s longest rivers. It runs for more than 2,300 miles from its source at Lake Itasca in Minnesota to its mouth at the Gulf of Mexico. The river drains an area of more than 1.2 million square miles, or about one-eighth of the entire United States.

The Mississippi River is a major source of transportation, commerce, and recreation. More than 500 million tons of cargo are shipped on the river each year, and it is a popular destination for boating and fishing. However, the Mississippi River is also one of the most dangerous rivers in the world.

Each year, hundreds of people drown while swimming in the river or while participating in water sports such as canoeing and kayaking. The river can be dangerous due to its strong currents, large waves, and cold water temperatures. Moreover, there are many hazards along the river, such as docks, bridges, and dams that can pose a risk to swimmers and boaters.

The Yellow River

The Yellow River is the second-longest river in China and the sixth-longest in the world. It is also known as the “Mother River” of China because it is the source of Chinese civilization. The river’s basin, which covers an area of 795,000 square kilometers, is home to more than 500 million people.

The Yellow River has a long history of flooding. In 1887, a flood on the river killed 900,000 people and caused millions of dollars in damage. In 1931, another flood killed more than 3 million people. The most recent major flood occurred in 1998, when the river burst its banks and caused $30 billion in damage.

The Yellow River is one of the most dangerous rivers in the world because of its history of flooding. If you live in or near the river’s basin, it’s important to be prepared for a possible flood.

The Kaveri River

The Kaveri River is one of the most dangerous rivers in the world. It is located in southern India and is prone to flooding. The river has a length of about 800 kilometers and a basin area of about 72,000 square kilometers. The river is also known for its violent history, as it has been the site of many devastating floods.

The Ganges River

The Ganges river is located in southern Asia, and is one of the most sacred rivers in Hinduism. It is also one of the most polluted rivers in the world. Every year, millions of people use the river for bathing, drinking, and washing. This pollutes the water with sewage and chemicals.

The Ganges river is also home to many dangerous animals, including crocodiles and snakes. In addition, the river is full of debris and trash that can injure swimmers. There have been many drownings in the Ganges river each year.

The Brahmaputra River

The Brahmaputra River is one of the most dangerous rivers in the world. The river is located in India and Bangladesh, and it is known for its treacherous currents and large waves. In addition, the river is home to many crocodiles and other dangerous animals. If you are planning on swimming in the Brahmaputra River, be sure to exercise caution and avoid areas with strong currents.

The Danube River

The Danube River is one of the most dangerous rivers in the world. It is located in Central and Eastern Europe, and it is the second longest river in Europe after the Volga River. The Danube River is full of rapids and waterfalls, making it extremely dangerous for boats and other vessels. In addition, the river is home to many dangerous animals, including snakes, crocodiles, and hippopotamuses.

Congo River

The Congo River is the ninth longest river in the world and the second longest in Africa. It is also the deepest river in the world, with depths exceeding 750 feet (230 meters). The Congo River is located in the Democratic Republic of Congo in central Africa. It is a major transportation artery for the country, as well as a source of hydroelectric power.The Congo River is also one of the most dangerous rivers in the world. Its rapids are some of the most treacherous in the world, and its waters are home to a number of deadly creatures, including hippopotamuses, crocodiles, and snakes. In addition, the river is plagued by disease-carrying mosquitoes.

Wharfe River

The Wharfe is a river in Yorkshire, England. It rises in the Pennine Hills, flowing south through the dales to the Yorkshire Dales National Park. The river then flows into the River Ouse at Cawood.The Wharfe is prone to sudden and dangerous floods, which have caused loss of life and damage to property. In December 2015, the river reached its highest level in 20 years, causing widespread flooding in Yorkshire.The Wharfe is one of the most dangerous rivers in England, with a number of drownings each year. In 2017, five people died after being caught in the river’s strong currents.

Red River

The Red River is one of the most dangerous rivers in the world. It is located in China and is known for its violent floods. In 1998, a flood on the Red River killed more than 3,700 people and caused billions of dollars in damage. The river is also home to many dangerous animals, including snakes, crocodiles, and hippopotamuses.

Brisbane River

The Brisbane River is one of Australia’s most iconic waterways, and is also one of the most dangerous. The river winds its way through the city of Brisbane, and is home to a number of dangerous creatures, including crocodiles, snakes, and jellyfish.The river is also notoriously flood-prone, and has been known to rise rapidly and without warning. In 2011, the river rose to a record height of 9.4 meters (31 feet), causing widespread damage and resulting in the deaths of two people.If you’re planning on swimming in the Brisbane River, be sure to exercise caution and heed any warnings from local authorities.

Citarum River

The Citarum River is one of the most polluted rivers in the world. It is located in Indonesia and flows through the city of Bandung. The river is full of industrial and domestic waste, including toxic chemicals and sewage. This has led to a decline in fish populations and an increase in health problems for people who live near the river. In addition, the Citarum River is also one of the most crowded rivers in the world.

Yenisei River

The Yenisei River is one of the longest about 3487 km long and the most dangerous rivers in the world. It is located in Russia and flows through a number of remote and inaccessible areas. The river is known for its strong currents and icy waters. It is also home to a number of dangerous animals, including bears, wolves, and other predators.

Rio Tinto River

Rio Tinto River is located in Southwest Spain and is known for its high levels of acidity and heavy metal pollution. The river gets its name from the Rio Tinto mining company which has been operating in the area for over 4,000 years.The water in Rio Tinto River is so acidic that it can dissolve metal. This has led to high levels of pollution in the river which poses a serious health risk to those who come into contact with it. The river is also home to a number of dangerous animals, including snakes and scorpions.


While there are many beautiful rivers in the world, there are also some that are incredibly dangerous. If you’re planning on doing any river rafting or kayaking, it’s important to research the river beforehand and make sure you’re aware of the potential dangers. We hope this list of the 16 most dangerous rivers in the world has helped you do just that. Stay safe out there!

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