An engineer who met Cal Poly student Kristin Smart at school a week before she vanished is on a quest to find her body – and believes new cutting-edge soil examination technology points them to the backyard of her killer’s mother. 

Smart disappeared in 1996 after an off-campus party and was last seen by another Cal Poly San Luis Obispo student Paul Flores, who walked the 19-year-old to her dorm room. He was convicted in October 2022 of her murder. 

It’s been 27 years since Kristin went missing, but her body has never been found, despite repeated searches of Paul Flores’ backyards and the backyards of his parents, Ruben Flores and Susan Flores.

Kristin’s parents Stan and Denise Smart have found solace in Flores’ guilty verdict, but said it’s not enough. They want to bring Kirstin home and lay her to rest. 

And Timothy Nelligan, an environmental engineer from San Clemente, who met Kristin at school, wants to help her family find closure. 

Nelligan, along with a scientist and a FBI research-chemist-turned-professor, have joined forces to help and say using new technology known as soil vapor sampling may have detected human remains buried behind Susan Flores’ home. 

He made the claim despite multiple prior searches and digs taking place at the property, which yielded no trace of Smart.

An engineer who met Cal Poly student Kristin Smart a week before she vanished believes new cutting-edge soil examination technology points them to the backyard of her killer's mother

An engineer who met Cal Poly student Kristin Smart a week before she vanished believes new cutting-edge soil examination technology points them to the backyard of her killer’s mother

An expert said new technology known as soil vapor sampling may have detected human remains buried behind Susan Flores' home in Arroyo Grande (pictured)

An expert said new technology known as soil vapor sampling may have detected human remains buried behind Susan Flores’ home in Arroyo Grande (pictured)

The Kristin Smart case remained unsolved for decades, but a true crime podcast ‘Your Own Backyard’ renewed public interest in 2019 and jolted local police who later credited the host Chris Lambert with helping to crack the case.

Both Paul and his father, Ruben, were charged in connection with Kirstin’s death, with prosecutors saying that Ruben helped his son by stashing her body under their backyard deck for years. The pair were suspected of moving her remains once suspicion started growing in 2020.

After a lengthy trial, Paul Flores was found guilty of murder in October 2022. A separate jury acquitted Ruben Flores, 81, of being an accessory. 

In March 2023, the younger Flores was then sentenced to 25 years to life in prison for the murder of Kristin Smart.

But still the search for Kristin’s remains continues and even the San Luis Obispo County’s Sheriff’s Office has refused to close the case.

‘We don’t take a breath. We do not put this aside. We continue to pursue this until we bring Kristin home to the family,’ Sheriff Ian Parkinson said after Flores’ trial.

Paul Flores was found guilty of murder in 2022

In March 2023, Flores was sentenced to 25 years to life in prison for the murder of Kristin Smart

 Paul Flores was found guilty of murder in October 2022. In March 2023, Flores was sentenced to 25 years to life in prison for the murder of Kristin Smart

Kristin's body has never been found, despite repeated searches of Paul Flores' backyards and the backyards of his parents, Ruben Flores and Susan Flores

Kristin’s body has never been found, despite repeated searches of Paul Flores’ backyards and the backyards of his parents, Ruben Flores and Susan Flores

Susan Flores has never been charged in connection with Paul's crimes and maintains that he didn't kill Kristin nor does their family know her whereabouts. Nelligan's team says an analysis of the soil at her property line indicated that there's a body in the ground

Susan Flores has never been charged in connection with Paul’s crimes and maintains that he didn’t kill Kristin nor does their family know her whereabouts. Nelligan’s team says an analysis of the soil at her property line indicated that there’s a body in the ground


Nelligan met Kristin at Cal Poly when she knocked on his door asking to use the phone. A week and a half later, she went missing and her picture was all over the news. 

Since then, Nelligan has wanted to help the family and in November 2019, he put his engineering skills to use, researching how bodies decompose in soil. 

Steve Hoyt, another Cal Poly grad with a doctorate in environmental science who has built a business on the Central Coast testing soil samples, and Brian Eckenrode, a retired FBI forensic scientist and expert in human decomposition, joined the team.

A week after Flores’ sentencing, Nelligan and his team returned to Flores’ mother’s neighborhood in Arroyo Grande – a short distance away from Ruben’s home – which has also been search for remains.

The team had already conducted an analysis of the soil in 2020 and 2021. Each time, it indicated that there’s a body in the ground.

‘The data tells the story,’ Nelligan said.

The soil vapor sampling identifies the presence or absence of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) linked to human decomposition, Nelligan explained to the Los Angeles Times. 

Eckenrode believes he has narrowed down the number of compounds linked to a decomposing body to between 30 and 50, although the science is highly-experimental, and remains unproven.

The expert and his colleagues say they’ve also been able to pinpoint clear differences in vapors from human decomposition and animal decomposition, in a bid to fend off claims that they’ve only found a dead animal.  

This photo provided by the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff's Office shows suspect Paul Flores who was taken into custody in the San Pedro area of Los Angeles on Tuesday, April 13, 2021

This photo provided by the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Office shows suspect Paul Flores who was taken into custody in the San Pedro area of Los Angeles on Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Deputies removed evidence from the San Pedro home. Kristin's remains have not been found

Deputies removed evidence from the San Pedro home. Kristin’s remains have not been found

Each time the team did an analysis, they accessed the property line through Susan Flores’ neighbor Marcia Papich, whose fence borders the yards. 

In their 2023 search, Nelligan twisted a heavy-duty metal auger into the soil near the property line while Eckenrode collected the volatile organic compounds from the soil vapor into a canister. 

A few weeks later, the team received data that lit up a section of ‘Papich’s backyard bordering Flores’ property in a rich reddish-orange haloed by green, with blue spilling to the farthest reaches of the multicolored pattern,’ the Times reported. 

The plume map showed the quantity and quality of key markers in the VOC samples, Nelligan said. 

It reported that the science of the technology is unproven and has never been used in any criminal proceedings, but the team remains confident in its findings. 

Sheriff’s Det. Greg Smith said they are investigating the group’s work and that investigators are also consulting with a scientist at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville who specializes in human remains.

‘It is intriguing if we can get some validation,’ he said.

However, the detective wanted to make clear that obtaining a search warrant for Susan Flores’ property would require probable cause and that it’s still a challenge for researchers to show there are ‘likely’ human remains.

There are also concerns the technology that could ultimately discover Smarts’ remains could be used by Flores’ lawyers to challenge his conviction.  

Susan Flores has never been charged in connection with Paul’s crimes and maintains that he didn’t kill Kristin nor does she or her family know the missing student’s whereabouts. 

Harold Mesick, the attorney who secured a not-guilty verdict in Ruben Flores’ accessory charges, told the Times that the idea that a body could be in Susan Flores’ yard is ‘ludicrous.’

He added that nothing had ever been found in multiple searches of both Susan and Ruben Flores’ yards, and said that authorities caused $30,000 in damage to Ruben Flores’ property by digging below his deck. That search also turned up nothing.

Investigators searched Ruben Flores' Arroyo Grande property on March 16, 2021, when they deployed ground-penetrating radar and cadaver dogs to conduct the search

Investigators searched Ruben Flores’ Arroyo Grande property on March 16, 2021, when they deployed ground-penetrating radar and cadaver dogs to conduct the search

The lawsuit alleges that Susan, her boyfriend and Paul's father, Ruben, worked under the cover of darkness on February 9, 2020, to remove Smart's body from this lattice enclosure under his deck in Arroyo Grande, California

The lawsuit alleges that Susan, her boyfriend and Paul’s father, Ruben, worked under the cover of darkness on February 9, 2020, to remove Smart’s body from this lattice enclosure under his deck in Arroyo Grande, California  

Smith said they just want to be careful not to provide any options for appeals that could undermine Paul Flores’ murder conviction.

‘We are walking on thin ice here, and before we go any further, we want to make that ice thicker,’ Smith said. ‘Does a court consider soil vapor evidence?’ 

Back in 2020, the analysis consisted of pushing a soil vapor probe, with a long, straw-like attachment, about 3 to 5 feet into the soil. 

Any gases would be vacuum-withdrawn and collected, then sealed in a canister. These volatile organic compounds were then sent for analysis at a San Luis Obispo laboratory operated by Hoyt.

What showed up when those compounds were represented with colors on a plume map and compared with dozens of control-point samples of nearby soil indicated the presence of a decaying body, Eckenrode told the Times.

They tested for elements found at gravesites including carbon tetrachloride, trichlorofluoromethane, dimethyl disulfide, toluene, chloroform and other chemicals associated with the decomposition of human remains.  

Nelligan, along with a scientist and a FBI research-chemist-turned-professor, have joined forces and say using new technology known as soil vapor sampling may have detected human remains buried behind Susan Flores' home.

Nelligan, along with a scientist and a FBI research-chemist-turned-professor, have joined forces and say using new technology known as soil vapor sampling may have detected human remains buried behind Susan Flores’ home.

Brian Eckenrode, retired FBI forensic scientist and expert in human decomposition, said analysis of samples from Papich's yard points to a body decomposing on Flores property

Brian Eckenrode, retired FBI forensic scientist and expert in human decomposition, said analysis of samples from Papich’s yard points to a body decomposing on Flores property

Steve Hoyt, another Cal Poly grad with a doctorate in environmental science who has built a business on the Central Coast testing soil samples, joined the team

Steve Hoyt, another Cal Poly grad with a doctorate in environmental science who has built a business on the Central Coast testing soil samples, joined the team

Eckenrode, who has 23 years experience as an analytical chemist with the FBI, has spent time analyzing decaying remains at the University of Tennessee’s Anthropology Research Facility, also known as the Body Farm.

He said it is possible to tell the difference between the decomposition of human and animal remains – and likened the difference in patterns to flying over Buffalo and New York City; each has different building heights and layouts.

‘Think of the different cities like different animals,’ he said. ‘We want to find that one cityscape that is human and only human.’

Eckenrode said the analysis of multiple samples from  Papich’s yard points to a body decomposing on the Flores property. 

Kristin’s mother Denise was asked about the possibility of VOCs that could indicate the presence of a body on Susan Flores’ property, to which she replied: ‘There shouldn’t be human remains in anybody’s backyard.’

The Smarts, pictured on Dateline recently, said they support the work being done, but will not get too emotionally invested after multiple disappointments over the years

The Smarts, pictured on Dateline recently, said they support the work being done, but will not get too emotionally invested after multiple disappointments over the years

Smart went missing May 1996 while at California Polytechnic State University. To this day, her body has not been found

Smart went missing May 1996 while at California Polytechnic State University. To this day, her body has not been found

Pictured: Kristin Smart's room, where all her belongings were left in place after she went missing. A friend claimed he once saw Paul Flores bothering Smart in the room

Pictured: Kristin Smart’s room, where all her belongings were left in place after she went missing. A friend claimed he once saw Paul Flores bothering Smart in the room

The Smarts said they support the work being done, but will not get too emotionally invested after multiple disappointments over the years. 

‘It is significant to me,’ Stan Smart said. ‘Others are trying to bring Kristin home.’

Denise, who told the Times they have met with the team about their research, said: ‘The most important thing for our family is the ability to bring Kristin home to be buried in the presence of those who love her.’

Several searches for Kristin’s body have been done. The FBI and San Luis Obispo County sheriff’s deputies in 2016 excavated a hillside above Cal Poly as well as two undisclosed locations.

Five years later, cadaver dogs and ground-penetrating radar were used to search Ruben Flores’ backyard, which had been searched in the 1990s.


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