BREAKING NEWS – House votes 419-0 to fore Biden administration to declassify ALL information about COVID origins and the Wuhan lab leaks: Bill now heads to President’s desk

The House has voted unanimously to for the Biden administration to declassify all information related to the origins of COVID.

The vote passed 419-0 on Friday, with all member of Congress backing the bid to make all links to the Wuhan lab public.

The bill now heads to President Biden’s desk for his signature after the Senate passed it earlier this month.

The vote comes two weeks after a Department of Energy report stated that COVID likely leaked from the Wuhan lab. 

More to follow 

The House has voted unanimously to declassify all information related to the origins of COVID. Dr Anthony Fauci is pictured testifying to Congress last year

The House has voted unanimously to declassify all information related to the origins of COVID. Dr Anthony Fauci is pictured testifying to Congress last year 


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