Mark McGowan ‘to step down’: West Australian Premier to make a major announcement – with rumours swirling he will quit

Rumours are swirling that West Australian Premier Mark McGowan will step down on Monday afternoon after he called a sudden press conference.

The extremely popular politician rose to national prominence during the Covid pandemic, leading the way with a hardline stance which divided the nation.

He took WA’s top job in 2017, when he led his party to a comprehensive victory – the largest in the state’s history. 

But he didn’t become a household name until 2020, when he swiftly closed his state’s borders to the rest of Australia as Covid cases rose.

In spite of external criticism for his Covid response, Mr McGowan won another term with a resounding victory at the 2021 election. 

Labor won 53 of 59 lower house seats during the election, earning a record-breaking approval rating of 91 per cent.

The father-of-three has not offered any details about his sudden press conference, sparking rumours he is intending to step down. 

The West Australian reports he will cite burnout for his decision. 

Rumours are swirling that West Australian Premier Mark McGowan will step down on Monday afternoon after he called a sudden press conference

Rumours are swirling that West Australian Premier Mark McGowan will step down on Monday afternoon after he called a sudden press conference

Mr McGowan is now known as a strong-minded, outspoken politician, who made waves after the federal election when he questioned Opposition Leader Peter Dutton’s intelligence.

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‘I actually don’t think he’s that smart, I’ve seen him present on things I don’t really pick up there’s much there as opposed to Scott Morrison who is a clever guy,’ Mr McGowan said.

‘I don’t pick up that Peter Dutton is fit to be Prime Minister.’

More to come 


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