
Time for the best doggo to shine.

Every week, we get a new location in Marvel Snap, and it’s set as the Featured Location for 48 hours. This means that you’ll have a 40% chance of encountering that location in your matches. It won’t completely shift the meta, but if you have a deck that can play well into that location, you’ll likely do better.

This week, we got the Quantum Tunnel with the following effect: When you play a card here, swap it with a card in your deck.

This is basically Lockjaw’s effect, and if you’re running a deck that relies heavily on Lockjaw’s ability to swap out cards, you’ll have a huge advantage over the next couple days. The Lockthor deck archetype has always been solid, allowing you to use Jane Foster to summon all 0-cost cards, then tucking them back into your deck via Lockjaw (or Quantum Tunnel) to cheat out more expensive cards.

Of course, you can also opt not to play into this location by using cards like Scarlet Witch, Storm, Magik, and the Reality Stone.

Marvel Snap is now available on PC and mobile devices.

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