Separation from Vitali: Natalia Klitschko reveals the reason
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That was a considered decision. The singer Natalia Klitschko (48) has been married to the boxer Vitali Klitschko (51) since 1996. But last year, the couple separated after 26 years of marriage. In October she spoke publicly about what bothered her about the relationship with the two-meter man – his career was probably not the problem. Now Natalia again spoke about the end of the relationship.

Natalia Yegorova

“I’ve been preparing for the breakup for a long time, it wasn’t overnight!” She said in the podcast “Shut up! Pets and their celebrities” to the moderators Christine Langner and Jule Gölsdorf (47). “It was an adult, balanced decision. We just grew apart,” she justified the big step of the separation. In addition, she has been in public with the surname Klitschko for the past few years, but she has actually never changed her surname.

Separation from Vitali: Natalia Klitschko reveals the reason
Getty ImagesNatalia Klitschko

She reported to Der Spiegel what behavior bothered the “Naked Soul” interpreter about her husband. For example, Vitali attached great importance to solid structures. “He always knew what he wanted to eat and it was always the same. I said, ‘This is boring.’ He said: ‘It’s stable’” emphasized Natalia.

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