Met Police officer harassed ex-partner by calling the bed she used to sleep in ‘wh**eish’ and claiming most people the Prophet Mohammed saw in hell were women, court hears

  • PC Joynal Ahmed allegedly sent ‘offensive’ messages to his ex-partner

A Metropolitan Police officer harassed a former partner by bombarding her with ‘offensive’ WhatsApp messages, some alluding that most people the Prophet Mohammed saw in hell were women, a court heard.

PC Joynal Ahmed allegedly sent ‘persistent’ messages to his former partner, which included a photo of the bed they used to share with the caption ‘Anyone want this wh**eish bed?’

The 36-year-old denies harassing the woman he shares two children with by sending the messages and will stand trial later this year. 

He was suspended from duty from the Met’s Crime Recording Investigation Command, after the claims were made last year.

Over a period of 20 days last July, Ahmed allegedly sent the woman a series of WhatsApp messages that were ‘of an insulting and offensive nature’ to her. 

He appeared at Stratford Magistrates’ Court today and denied harassment without violence only for the trial to be adjourned until June because the complainant was unable to attend.

According to the charge, between 4 July and 24 July 2022, in Ilford, east London, the officer ‘pursued a course of conduct which amounted to the harassment’ of his alleged victim which he knew or ought to have known amounted to the harassment of her by sending ‘numerous insulting messages via WhatsApp despite her asking you stop on numerous occasions’. 

Stratford Magistrates’ Court heard today the serving officer’s ex-partner agreed to contact PC Ahmed over their children, but would not speak with him about her private life.

However, he sent the woman several messages about a new partner he had found out about who had ‘longer than you and your daughter’.

Linda Hudson, prosecuting, said: ‘This is a very serious matter.

‘The defendant is a serving police officer. The defendant allegedly sent messages of an offensive and insulting nature.

‘Despite the woman repeatedly telling him that she did not want to talk about her private life, he persisted in sending her various messages. The messages included the fact that he was aware that she was seeing someone else.

‘He told her on July 4: ‘You think this man has longer hair than you. You think this man is a role model for your kids?”.

‘The defendant posted a photo of the bed they used to share with the caption: ‘Anyone want this whoreish bed?”

‘The defendant has written to her stating: ‘Never marry someone with a cheap past. It is in their bloodstream. Don’t think that you can change someone”.

He also told her: ‘The prophet Mohammed said that most of the women he saw in hell were women. There’s a reason for that.’

Ms Hudson added: ‘The harassment has been of a persistent nature.’

Ahmed appeared at Stratford Magistrates' Court today before the trial was adjourned

Ahmed appeared at Stratford Magistrates’ Court today before the trial was adjourned

Defending PC Ahmed, Robert Morris, said certain messages sent between the estranged couple painted ‘an entirely different picture’ to the one alleged.

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District Judge William Nelson adjourned the case, due to the alleged victim being unable to attend court today, as she was caring for one of their children, who is ill.

Judge Nelson told the court: ‘I am going to adjourn this matter.

‘This is clearly a case in the public interest because of the nature of the employment of the defendant.

‘It is a matter to be tried in these circumstances.’

Judge Nelson adjourned the trial until June this year – after the holy month of Ramadan – because both PC Ahmed and his ex-partner are practising Muslims. 

Ahmed was bailed ahead of his trial.


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